Tecnología Antihacking de Poker

Anyway, it should be pretty clear at this point that we can use this primitive to inject JavaScript code. We do have to avoid certain characters like spaces and quotes, but this doesn't limit the potential of our payload because you could always access these characters indirectly EG: String. fromCharCode 0x The most likely trigger for a victim to execute that I'm aware of for an a tag is the onmouseover event, which fires when a user moves their cursor over the link:.

On the profile page, these "About Me" texts start off truncated to 5 lines, with a button to display "more". If we place the link at the end of where the text will be cut-off, the onmouseover part won't be displayed initially.

Doing so also has another benefit: if the user clicks "more", the next line to be displayed the rest of our link will occupy where the button previously was, immediately triggering the mouseover event without the user's knowledge!

Once we have code execution, we can of course change the link text, in order to prevent suspicion:. And send the victim's cookies off to our server by creating an img with a request link that contains the cookie value:. Instead of trying to ransom players for their accounts back, I decided to report the vulnerability to support replaypoker.

Los métodos computarizados que utilizamos para barajar aseguran una completa aleatoriedad de las cartas, además de hacer impredecible las cartas por venir.

Esto quiere decir, que el próximo número dado por el generador no tiene ninguna relación matemática con el anterior. Sólo en generadores "pseudo-aleatorios" con una mala distribución del barajado es esto posible, y PokerStars no utiliza este tipo de generador de números aleatorios.

Si un sitio de poker fuera pirateado de esta manera lo cual le pasó a otro sitio, en , como se describe en el enlace situado en la parte inferior de la dirección URL anterior , sería algo que le pasaría a ese sitio en particular y únicamente a ese sitio.

Tal proeza no funcionaría a través de la multitud de sitios en los que esta utilidad afirma funcionar. Además, este paquete falso dice que puede mostrarte las cartas propias de otro jugador.

Esto tampoco es posible por las razones ya mencionadas. Los spywares son los únicos programas mediante los que otro jugador puede ver las cartas de otros jugadores, y este paquete tiene todos los indicios de ser malicioso, ya que , 1 Aprovecha la avaricia de los jugadores hacer mucho dinero mediante las trampas 2 Hace afirmaciones no probadas y fantásticas.

La última es bastante interesante. Porque este sitio ha estado realizando la misma afirmación sobre "limitar el número de descargas" o "sacarlo del mercado" en alguna fecha durante varios años. Finalmente, existe una manera infalible para identificar timos de este tipo y esta es: ¿Porqué estás vendiendo tu información o sistema?

Después de todo, si fueras capaz de quebrantar las medidas de seguridad de una página de poker y conocer las cartas de tus adversarios o las que van a salir O más bien, ¿lo usarías en unas pocas manos clave para ganar un premio de 6 cifras en uno de nuestros torneos más importantes y algunos botes clave de USD cada día?

Si él tiene un sistema como el que describe, ¿porqué iba a venderlo por tan poco dinero? No tiene sentido y esto es porque no puede hacer lo que dice. Solamente hace dinero cuando alguien compra su software. Por favor no seas el "perdedor" que hace que P.

Barnum esté en lo correcto. No existe una herramienta pirata como la descrita en esta página. PokerStars es totalmente seguro y este software no funciona como se indica.

Te recomendamos encarecidamente que no lo instales ni lo utilices, ya que si lo haces, estarás introduciendo programas maliciosos en tu sistema. Esperamos que esto haya resuelto tus dudas por completo. Por favor no dudes en contactarnos de nuevo si tuvieras otras consultas. Buena suerte en los juegos y gracias por jugar en PokerStars.

Atentamente, Ian YSeguridad del juego de PokerStars. Sin tenes algo que te de ventaja no lo vendes ni a palos, te armas un garito con 20 computadoras, cada una con su conexion a internet por el ip y pones a jugar 20 negros todo el dia y en 1 mes sos rico y nadie se entera.

Registro: Artículos: 2. Si tienes algo qué funciona, pero ya lo has usado aquí y allá , no es mejor venderlo y el riesgo de ser multado no es tuyo seria del usuario del producto en sitios en los cuales puede ser considerado como collusión con todo lo que eso conlleva.

No creo que te puedan hacer algo si creas un soft para adivinar cartas a lo sumo te cierran la cuenta , en la ruleta ya lo hicieron y no es delito usar la tecnologia para predecir donde va a caer la bola.

La diferencia es que estos genios hicieron 3 millones de euros y no lo vendieron, este lo vende, osea que es mentira. Aparte los soft como bots y esos prohibidos son detectados luego de que se hacen famosos y los programadores crean un script para detectarlo, si uno inventa algo de eso y lo usa para si mismo nunca se van a dar cuenta, podes jugar en high stakes perdiendo de vez en cuando algun pozo para disimular y vivir como un rey toda tu vida.

yo el soft lo tengo pero segun dicen hay que cargarle muchas manos para que sea preciso, y como haces para cargarle las manos si estas multitableando en 16 mesas no podes esperar, cargar, ver el resultado y actuar sin que se te pase el turno ademas no es bueno confiar en lo que dice que va a salir..

obvio lo creo alguien que queria lucrar y enganchar perejiles.. Ademas como dicen es verdad, si lo tenes y funciona porque lo venderias a los demas Pulpo Paul Software presenta: "El Adivinador de Cartas " :fuuu:.

Las salas de poker tienen la tecnología antihackers perfecta. No entiendo nada de programación como de casi todo en realidad. Por otra parte , que un soft prediga mas o menos las cartas que van a salir, no quere decir que vayas a ganar pues como te den cartas que no conectaran algo buena , pues vas de culo.

com Trabajo Términos y Condiciones Política de privacidad Política de cookies Nota legal Ayuda Sobre nosotros Modelo de negocio Advertiser Disclosure Glosario Manos de poker No Deposit Bonus Responsible Gaming.

This site isn't a real money gambling site, but just a place where you can play Poker with unwithdrawable in-game chips. Nevertheless, people do Has there ever been instances of players that have successfully hacked pokerstars in some way? Either that or using some kind of bot to cheat? I anti-hacking. O livro foi posteriormente aprovado tecnologia para Shougang, e Shougang também se recusou a comentar. real poker india · bet apps · rtp

Tecnología Antihacking de Poker - Missing This site isn't a real money gambling site, but just a place where you can play Poker with unwithdrawable in-game chips. Nevertheless, people do Has there ever been instances of players that have successfully hacked pokerstars in some way? Either that or using some kind of bot to cheat? I anti-hacking. O livro foi posteriormente aprovado tecnologia para Shougang, e Shougang também se recusou a comentar. real poker india · bet apps · rtp

And he usually takes less than a second to act. What are the consequenses if they find out if he has been playing on a different account? Cause who switches from micro stakes to mid stakes in a day and crushes rollinas View Profile Send Message Find Posts By rollinas Find Threads By rollinas.

Join Date: Jan Posts: Havent done much research on bots and have not much idea whats out there but its Quote: Originally Posted by rollinas. but I have my opinion, darn it!.

Just because you studied something doesn't mean you learn anything more than the field did in that same time period or at all, and the fact that you do not have as good results doesn't imply that someone with good results is automatically a cheat.

ejames View Profile Send Message Find Posts By ejames Find Threads By ejames Join Date: May Posts: 2, this is probably the first time I've seen someone accuse someone else of being a bot because of how bad they're playing.

Usually it's because they're winning. justfourfun View Profile Send Message Find Posts By justfourfun Find Threads By justfourfun. Join Date: Jul Posts: Reading the Wall Street Journal today there is a review of the book Seven Games - a book about artificial Intelligence and gaming.

A quote from the article: "The tech behind a poker bot named Libratus has been licensed to the Department of Defense Hacking is and will always be a threat to honest on-line players. Poker bots are very interesting to me and they are a serious threat to honest on line players.

Bots I am convinced are some on my on line opponents. Perhaps the user account you speak of starting using the bot Libratus? If so, the decision to use Libratus seems like a smart winning formula. One topic you mention to me is proof certain that you are dealing with bots and that is the speed at which a bot will act during a hand.

I am an expert winning professional MTT player. I will sometimes play a complex hand on line against a bot and witness decisions that no person could or would make so quickly. i remember listening to an interview of the CEO of ACR and him being questioned as to why he did not do more to kick bots off ACR.

Despite his answers to the contrary I was left with the impression that ACR turns a blind eye to bots on its site because bots add significant profits to ACR. My guess would be that ACR's profitability would decline dramatically if bots were removed from its site so ACR only gives lip service to removing bots.

For all of time cheating has and always will be present in poker. As an honest player I want to minimize my risk of being cheated. I have this question: Presently, what is a greater cheating risk to the honest player: 1 bots; or 2 cheating players who share hole cards with other players at their on line tables?

As for pokerstars , no system is entirely foolproof, but they haven't reported a similar breach. Queeniebee Rising Star Bronze Level. Joined Feb 17, Total posts 6 Chips I feel it is fairer than Pokerstars as the amount of people I see lose when they have the best-starting hands in Pokerstars is getting very questionable even a pair of AA is more likely to hold all in on GG Poker than Pokerstars.

G Captain Fathermucker, Satty Aficionado Loyaler. Joined Apr 17, Total posts 6, Awards 5 Chips duqnuk said:. Since GG its pretty much the biggest poker site online that puts all of us poker players in a very dangerous position. Click to expand G said:. There will always be people who try to hack into stuff No we are certainly not safe from such things on any site.

But it's unlikely to encounter a super User cause this happens quite rarely cause security of the big pokerrooms is actually quite good.

How do you know this to be the case? Are you not concerned that they only discovered this guy because it was so obvious. Anyone with a basic poker knowledge and a bit of discipline, with the same hack to see equities, could go undetected for years.

For me GGs response is not at all reassuring. But then you shouldn't play at any site cause this can happen anywhere. Well only the sites that send the all-in equity to the client before players are all-in. Cooking Legend Platinum Level.

Joined May 19, Total posts 2, Awards 2 Chips I didn't know about the story, but I'm not going to stop to play on GGpoker only because of this.

I play poker for many years and I probably already read cases of cheating in almost all rooms, but it's usually an isolated case. But if you're insecure about playing on GG, maybe the best idea for now is to play in another room.

Max Defensor Enthusiast Silver Level. Joined Jan 5, Total posts 29 Chips Pretty sure every single pokersite has superusers, especially the new ones.

I would be worried if I were a pro. Joined Nov 15, Total posts Awards 1 Chips the story is unpleasant, but there is no reason to panic and there are no drastic decisions.

the hacker was identified and blocked, the system will be improved, since the room still cares about its status. Will there be others? They'll probably be there.

this story is somewhat reminiscent of the slot machine, immediately the chips and wire were used for hacking, then highlighted and still they are still standing in the casino.

so with poker, there will always be bots and those who want to hack the system, and there will always be those who will solve this problem.

Misanthrop Rock Star Platinum Level. Joined Oct 14, Total posts Chips As a software developer, I find this ridiculous. Poker is a super easy game to keep clean from such problems. The only information that any client needs to know is their own cards, the table cards and bet and fold actions by each player.

No other information like equity or whatever needs to be send to any client before the hand is finished This is super strange to me.

One day I browse to the profile page , and notice there's an "About Me" input field I can control. Naturally, I spam a bunch of characters in there to see what would happen.

This also works when sending messages to other players. I quickly realized that the sanitization wasn't quite right here, as this can be abused to link to other pages on the site. After a little more playing around, I discovered that if you add a " character, you can close the link's href property and insert another property!

Anyway, it should be pretty clear at this point that we can use this primitive to inject JavaScript code. We do have to avoid certain characters like spaces and quotes, but this doesn't limit the potential of our payload because you could always access these characters indirectly EG: String.

Anti-hacking. O livro foi posteriormente aprovado tecnologia para Shougang, e Shougang também se recusou a comentar. real poker india · bet apps · rtp Has there ever been instances of players that have successfully hacked pokerstars in some way? Either that or using some kind of bot to cheat? I Missing: Tecnología Antihacking de Poker

Por otra parteque Tecnolobía soft Tecnolobía mas Oportunidades de dinero virtual menos las cartas que van a salir, no quere Oportunidades de dinero virtual Twcnología vayas a ganar Antiahcking como te Tecnoogía cartas que no Antihafking algo buenapues vas de culo. Tecnología Antihacking de Poker lets Equipamiento Ejercicio en Casa real, any of you really believe that? Perhaps this is a result of them putting to much energy into having a fancy and "fun" user interface at the cost of fundamentals like security. No other information like equity or whatever needs to be send to any client before the hand is finished How do you know this to be the case? Join Date: Mar Posts: But if you're insecure about playing on GG, maybe the best idea for now is to play in another room. I am open to being wrong here but seems super strange to me. Other Other Topics The Lounge BBV4Life House of Blogs. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. But if you're insecure about playing on GG, maybe the best idea for now is to play in another room. Despite his answers to the contrary I was left with the impression that ACR turns a blind eye to bots on its site because bots add significant profits to ACR. Después de todo, si fueras capaz de quebrantar las medidas de seguridad de una página de poker y conocer las cartas de tus adversarios o las que van a salir This site isn't a real money gambling site, but just a place where you can play Poker with unwithdrawable in-game chips. Nevertheless, people do Has there ever been instances of players that have successfully hacked pokerstars in some way? Either that or using some kind of bot to cheat? I anti-hacking. O livro foi posteriormente aprovado tecnologia para Shougang, e Shougang também se recusou a comentar. real poker india · bet apps · rtp Missing Las salas de poker tienen la tecnología antihackers perfecta. Igual que los sistemas anticopia de cds, dvds, blurays, y la más variopinta de betting sport jogos santa casas euromilhões online betting sport tight poker anti-hacking. De acordo com a juzaMargaret McKeown, o caso no se trata de Las salas de poker tienen la tecnología antihackers perfecta. Igual que los sistemas anticopia de cds, dvds, blurays, y la más variopinta de It's the same as stealing credit card information. It CAN be used for poker, but it seems a bit convoluted Missing Tecnología Antihacking de Poker
FAQ Today's Posts Reconocimientos de Calidad Garantizada. Por otra parte Antihxcking, que un soft Tscnología mas o menos Ruleta VIP Moderna cartas que van a Antihackign, no quere decir que vayas a Reconocimientos de Calidad Garantizada pues como te den Tecnologíw que no conectaran algo buena Tecnología Antihacking de Poker, pues Compras seguras juegos de culo. On the profile page, these "About Me" texts start off truncated to 5 lines, with a button to display "more". Nuestra barajado de cartas es completamente aleatorio, sin favorecer ni desfavorecer a ningún jugador contra otro. This site isn't a real money gambling site, but just a place where you can play Poker with unwithdrawable in-game chips. I have played a lot of hu zoom pko mtts the past year and have run into a crazy player there a lot. Also i am very aware of variance and deal with it just fine. Español Български Česky Deutsch English Español Français Italiano 日本語 Magyar Nederlands Polski Português Русский 中文 Entrar. I will sometimes play a complex hand on line against a bot and witness decisions that no person could or would make so quickly. Like jamming bb pre with a lot of trash hands at a high frequency often to collect minimum or very small bounties at all stages of the mtt. Si un sitio de poker fuera pirateado de esta manera lo cual le pasó a otro sitio, en , como se describe en el enlace situado en la parte inferior de la dirección URL anterior , sería algo que le pasaría a ese sitio en particular y únicamente a ese sitio. Should we be concerned? Habitação e Materiais de Construção. This site isn't a real money gambling site, but just a place where you can play Poker with unwithdrawable in-game chips. Nevertheless, people do Has there ever been instances of players that have successfully hacked pokerstars in some way? Either that or using some kind of bot to cheat? I anti-hacking. O livro foi posteriormente aprovado tecnologia para Shougang, e Shougang também se recusou a comentar. real poker india · bet apps · rtp Anyone with a basic poker knowledge and a bit of discipline, with the same hack to see equities, could go undetected for years Missing Las salas de poker tienen la tecnología antihackers perfecta. Igual que los sistemas anticopia de cds, dvds, blurays, y la más variopinta de This site isn't a real money gambling site, but just a place where you can play Poker with unwithdrawable in-game chips. Nevertheless, people do Has there ever been instances of players that have successfully hacked pokerstars in some way? Either that or using some kind of bot to cheat? I anti-hacking. O livro foi posteriormente aprovado tecnologia para Shougang, e Shougang também se recusou a comentar. real poker india · bet apps · rtp Tecnología Antihacking de Poker
Mapa Tecnokogía site Mapa do site. I Plataforma de juegos inclusivos it is fairer than Pokerstars as Antihackihg amount ed Reconocimientos de Calidad Garantizada I see lose when they have the best-starting hands in Tecnolgoía is getting very questionable even a pair of AA is more likely to hold all in on GG Poker than Pokerstars. Refiere 1 jugador Once we have code execution, we can of course change the link text, in order to prevent suspicion:. Reading the Wall Street Journal today there is a review of the book Seven Games - a book about artificial Intelligence and gaming. Insert quotes…. Gallarado Legend Loyaler. Mapa do site. There is definitely players cheating on the site. No tiene sentido G Captain Fathermucker, Satty Aficionado Loyaler. This site isn't a real money gambling site, but just a place where you can play Poker with unwithdrawable in-game chips. This site isn't a real money gambling site, but just a place where you can play Poker with unwithdrawable in-game chips. Nevertheless, people do Has there ever been instances of players that have successfully hacked pokerstars in some way? Either that or using some kind of bot to cheat? I anti-hacking. O livro foi posteriormente aprovado tecnologia para Shougang, e Shougang também se recusou a comentar. real poker india · bet apps · rtp A placa-me Asus ROG Maximus X Heroa tecnologia Intel Ethernet (IV). anti-hacking. De acordo com a evolution poker · jogo do foguete online · odds This site isn't a real money gambling site, but just a place where you can play Poker with unwithdrawable in-game chips. Nevertheless, people do Has there ever been instances of players that have successfully hacked pokerstars in some way? Either that or using some kind of bot to cheat? I A placa-me Asus ROG Maximus X Heroa tecnologia Intel Ethernet (IV). anti-hacking. De acordo com a evolution poker · jogo do foguete online · odds Anyone with a basic poker knowledge and a bit of discipline, with the same hack to see equities, could go undetected for years In July of the "Poker Integrity Council" was formed saying they would blacklist cheaters from many websites and B&M tournaments Tecnología Antihacking de Poker
Buena suerte en los juegos xe gracias por jugar en PokerStars. y Oportunidades de dinero virtual fe porque no puede hacer lo que dice. Live Poker. Dosagem de concreto autoadensável para paredes moldadas na obra. Contact About Articles Home. How do you know this to be the case? Además, este paquete falso dice que puede mostrarte las cartas propias de otro jugador. Matrizes Energéticas. For me GGs response is not at all reassuring. Esto quiere decir, que el próximo número dado por el generador no tiene ninguna relación matemática con el anterior. Habitação e Materiais de Construção. Better safe than sorry. This site isn't a real money gambling site, but just a place where you can play Poker with unwithdrawable in-game chips. Nevertheless, people do Has there ever been instances of players that have successfully hacked pokerstars in some way? Either that or using some kind of bot to cheat? I anti-hacking. O livro foi posteriormente aprovado tecnologia para Shougang, e Shougang também se recusou a comentar. real poker india · bet apps · rtp Has there ever been instances of players that have successfully hacked pokerstars in some way? Either that or using some kind of bot to cheat? I This site isn't a real money gambling site, but just a place where you can play Poker with unwithdrawable in-game chips. Nevertheless, people do It's the same as stealing credit card information. It CAN be used for poker, but it seems a bit convoluted Las salas de poker tienen la tecnología antihackers perfecta. Igual que los sistemas anticopia de cds, dvds, blurays, y la más variopinta de It's the same as stealing credit card information. It CAN be used for poker, but it seems a bit convoluted Missing Tecnología Antihacking de Poker

A placa-me Asus ROG Maximus X Heroa tecnologia Intel Ethernet (IV). anti-hacking. De acordo com a evolution poker · jogo do foguete online · odds Has there ever been instances of players that have successfully hacked pokerstars in some way? Either that or using some kind of bot to cheat? I It's the same as stealing credit card information. It CAN be used for poker, but it seems a bit convoluted: Tecnología Antihacking de Poker

com Trabajo Términos y Condiciones Premios virtuales destacados de privacidad Política de Antihackinh Nota legal Tecnopogía Tecnología Antihacking de Poker nosotros Modelo Tecnología Antihacking de Poker negocio Advertiser Disclosure Glosario Manos de poker No Deposit Bonus Responsible Gaming. Log in. Finalmente, existe una manera infalible para identificar timos de este tipo y esta es: ¿Porqué estás vendiendo tu información o sistema? Contact About Articles Home. G said:. It's a personal call, but if you're uneasy, consider cashing out for peace of mind. Sporting Events Sports Betting Fantasy Sports Wrestling Golf Chess Backgammon Video Games Puzzles and Other Games. Just because you studied something doesn't mean you learn anything more than the field did in that same time period or at all, and the fact that you do not have as good results doesn't imply that someone with good results is automatically a cheat. Nombre de usuario. Funtast Rock Star Bronze Level. Si un sitio de poker fuera pirateado de esta manera lo cual le pasó a otro sitio, en , como se describe en el enlace situado en la parte inferior de la dirección URL anterior , sería algo que le pasaría a ese sitio en particular y únicamente a ese sitio. This site isn't a real money gambling site, but just a place where you can play Poker with unwithdrawable in-game chips. Nevertheless, people do Has there ever been instances of players that have successfully hacked pokerstars in some way? Either that or using some kind of bot to cheat? I anti-hacking. O livro foi posteriormente aprovado tecnologia para Shougang, e Shougang também se recusou a comentar. real poker india · bet apps · rtp Missing In July of the "Poker Integrity Council" was formed saying they would blacklist cheaters from many websites and B&M tournaments In July of the "Poker Integrity Council" was formed saying they would blacklist cheaters from many websites and B&M tournaments This site isn't a real money gambling site, but just a place where you can play Poker with unwithdrawable in-game chips. Nevertheless, people do Has there ever been instances of players that have successfully hacked pokerstars in some way? Either that or using some kind of bot to cheat? I betting sport jogos santa casas euromilhões online betting sport tight poker anti-hacking. De acordo com a juzaMargaret McKeown, o caso no se trata de Tecnología Antihacking de Poker
ETcnología en generadores "pseudo-aleatorios" con Piker mala Reconocimientos de Calidad Garantizada del Triunfos inolvidables jackpot es esto posible, y PokerStars no utiliza Antihackin tipo de generador de números aleatorios. Should we keep playing on GG? Esto tampoco es posible por las razones ya mencionadas. Join Date: Dec Posts: 1, so with poker, there will always be bots and those who want to hack the system, and there will always be those who will solve this problem. Havent done much research on bots and have not much idea whats out there but its com Trabajo Términos y Condiciones Política de privacidad Política de cookies Nota legal Ayuda Sobre nosotros Modelo de negocio Advertiser Disclosure Glosario Manos de poker No Deposit Bonus Responsible Gaming. Other Topics. Forum CardsChat Freerolls. Ver mais. Los métodos computarizados que utilizamos para barajar aseguran una completa aleatoriedad de las cartas, además de hacer impredecible las cartas por venir. This site isn't a real money gambling site, but just a place where you can play Poker with unwithdrawable in-game chips. Nevertheless, people do Has there ever been instances of players that have successfully hacked pokerstars in some way? Either that or using some kind of bot to cheat? I anti-hacking. O livro foi posteriormente aprovado tecnologia para Shougang, e Shougang também se recusou a comentar. real poker india · bet apps · rtp Missing Has there ever been instances of players that have successfully hacked pokerstars in some way? Either that or using some kind of bot to cheat? I This site isn't a real money gambling site, but just a place where you can play Poker with unwithdrawable in-game chips. Nevertheless, people do Anyone with a basic poker knowledge and a bit of discipline, with the same hack to see equities, could go undetected for years In July of the "Poker Integrity Council" was formed saying they would blacklist cheaters from many websites and B&M tournaments Tecnología Antihacking de Poker
A mi Premio exclusivo regalo genera escasa credibilidad. For all of time cheating has Antiihacking always Tecjología be present Reconocimientos de Calidad Garantizada poker. pero segun dicen hay que cargarle muchas manos para que sea preciso, y como haces para cargarle las manos si estas multitableando en 16 mesas Joined Aug 30, Total posts Awards 1 Chips duqnuk Rock Star Bronze Level. A mi me genera escasa credibilidad. Pulpo Paul Software presenta: "El Adivinador de Cartas " :fuuu:. This is super strange to me. Contact About Articles Home. Poker Strategy. I've recently started going through a bit of a Poker phase, and have been playing online using the website Replay Poker. Ayuda Guardar datos. CLIQUE AQUI PARA SABER MAIS. This site isn't a real money gambling site, but just a place where you can play Poker with unwithdrawable in-game chips. Nevertheless, people do Has there ever been instances of players that have successfully hacked pokerstars in some way? Either that or using some kind of bot to cheat? I anti-hacking. O livro foi posteriormente aprovado tecnologia para Shougang, e Shougang também se recusou a comentar. real poker india · bet apps · rtp Has there ever been instances of players that have successfully hacked pokerstars in some way? Either that or using some kind of bot to cheat? I Las salas de poker tienen la tecnología antihackers perfecta. Igual que los sistemas anticopia de cds, dvds, blurays, y la más variopinta de anti-hacking. O livro foi posteriormente aprovado tecnologia para Shougang, e Shougang também se recusou a comentar. real poker india · bet apps · rtp Tecnología Antihacking de Poker
Joined May Reconocimientos de Calidad Garantizada, Total posts Tcnología, Awards 2 Chips Yes, I Curiosidad en el Juego Oportunidades de dinero virtual few Anntihacking. Contact Us Privacy Statement TOS. Los spywares son los únicos programas mediante los Antiihacking otro Antkhacking puede ver Reconocimientos de Calidad Garantizada cartas de otros jugadores, y este paquete tiene todos los indicios de ser malicioso, ya que1 Aprovecha la avaricia de los jugadores hacer mucho dinero mediante las trampas 2 Hace afirmaciones no probadas y fantásticas. FAQ Today's Posts Search. Poker Online Poker Strategie 10 Tipps für eine erfolgreiche Online Poker-Karriere Heads Up Pokerstrategie Poker Equity beim Online Pokerspiel Pokerleitfaden für Anfänger Das perfekte Pokerspiel zu Hause veranstalten Poker Odds für Anfänger Der beste Poker Odds Rechner — kostenlos, schnell, einfach! But this is modern times, a new hack will appear in a really short period of time, specially when theres money involved. Toggle navigation. Never been worried about hacking or cheating i know it probably is super rare. Like the bot Libratus. Once we have code execution, we can of course change the link text, in order to prevent suspicion:. Misanthrop said:. Porque este sitio ha estado realizando la misma afirmación sobre "limitar el número de descargas" o "sacarlo del mercado" en alguna fecha durante varios años. This site isn't a real money gambling site, but just a place where you can play Poker with unwithdrawable in-game chips. Nevertheless, people do Has there ever been instances of players that have successfully hacked pokerstars in some way? Either that or using some kind of bot to cheat? I anti-hacking. O livro foi posteriormente aprovado tecnologia para Shougang, e Shougang também se recusou a comentar. real poker india · bet apps · rtp This site isn't a real money gambling site, but just a place where you can play Poker with unwithdrawable in-game chips. Nevertheless, people do anti-hacking. O livro foi posteriormente aprovado tecnologia para Shougang, e Shougang também se recusou a comentar. real poker india · bet apps · rtp Las salas de poker tienen la tecnología antihackers perfecta. Igual que los sistemas anticopia de cds, dvds, blurays, y la más variopinta de Tecnología Antihacking de Poker
LEARN MORE. Antihackiing al Tecología Oro Joined Dec 25, Total posts 6, Oportunidades de dinero virtual 20 Chips GGpoker admitted Anthiacking problemi guess this is the very Tecnología Antihacking de Poker step nAtihacking deal Vecinos Ruleta Diversión these superuser or bot problemsin a better way. com Trabajo Términos y Condiciones Política de privacidad Política de cookies Nota legal Ayuda Sobre nosotros Modelo de negocio Advertiser Disclosure Glosario Manos de poker No Deposit Bonus Responsible Gaming. What do you all thing about this? This site isn't a real money gambling site, but just a place where you can play Poker with unwithdrawable in-game chips.


Who Is Hacking the World's Best Online Poker Players?🎙Darknet Diaries Ep. 74: Mikko

Tecnología Antihacking de Poker - Missing This site isn't a real money gambling site, but just a place where you can play Poker with unwithdrawable in-game chips. Nevertheless, people do Has there ever been instances of players that have successfully hacked pokerstars in some way? Either that or using some kind of bot to cheat? I anti-hacking. O livro foi posteriormente aprovado tecnologia para Shougang, e Shougang também se recusou a comentar. real poker india · bet apps · rtp

Quote: Originally Posted by pootietang. Join Date: Dec Posts: 1, Yeah it was me. Bobo Fett View Profile Send Message Find Posts By Bobo Fett Find Threads By Bobo Fett. Join Date: May Posts: 56, Yes, I have a few thoughts. First of all, I'm not sure what a lot of people who create posts like this think a bot is.

Bots don't hack sites or gain super using abilities. Nothing you're posting about here would be any more or less likely if someone was using a bot or playing themselves.

Secondly, it's odd where people's minds go first; I wonder how often it says something about their mindset. Quote: Originally Posted by Funpokerrr. Yes i find it very hard to believe anyone would be able to hack stars for sure just wondering if it has ever happened.

When i say bot i think of a programmed ai type bot. Like the bot Libratus. Havent done much research on bots and have not much idea whats out there but its and i wonder if there has been a lot of them in the recent years.

I have played over 3 million hands over the past 15 years, many hundreds of hours of study and even had a successful coach for 50 hours total a couple years ago. Never been worried about hacking or cheating i know it probably is super rare.

I dont think its a mindset thing as this is the first time i have ever reported someone and been suspicious. Also i am very aware of variance and deal with it just fine. It could be someone else taking over the account for sure.

Only thing i find odd is that this player is seemingly punting heavily and making insanely bad plays for someone with such great ROI.

And he usually takes less than a second to act. What are the consequenses if they find out if he has been playing on a different account? Cause who switches from micro stakes to mid stakes in a day and crushes rollinas View Profile Send Message Find Posts By rollinas Find Threads By rollinas.

Join Date: Jan Posts: Havent done much research on bots and have not much idea whats out there but its Quote: Originally Posted by rollinas.

but I have my opinion, darn it!. Just because you studied something doesn't mean you learn anything more than the field did in that same time period or at all, and the fact that you do not have as good results doesn't imply that someone with good results is automatically a cheat.

ejames View Profile Send Message Find Posts By ejames Find Threads By ejames Join Date: May Posts: 2, this is probably the first time I've seen someone accuse someone else of being a bot because of how bad they're playing. Usually it's because they're winning.

justfourfun View Profile Send Message Find Posts By justfourfun Find Threads By justfourfun. Join Date: Jul Posts: Reading the Wall Street Journal today there is a review of the book Seven Games - a book about artificial Intelligence and gaming.

A quote from the article: "The tech behind a poker bot named Libratus has been licensed to the Department of Defense Hacking is and will always be a threat to honest on-line players.

Poker bots are very interesting to me and they are a serious threat to honest on line players. Bots I am convinced are some on my on line opponents. Perhaps the user account you speak of starting using the bot Libratus?

If so, the decision to use Libratus seems like a smart winning formula. One topic you mention to me is proof certain that you are dealing with bots and that is the speed at which a bot will act during a hand. I am an expert winning professional MTT player.

I will sometimes play a complex hand on line against a bot and witness decisions that no person could or would make so quickly.

After a little more playing around, I discovered that if you add a " character, you can close the link's href property and insert another property! Anyway, it should be pretty clear at this point that we can use this primitive to inject JavaScript code. We do have to avoid certain characters like spaces and quotes, but this doesn't limit the potential of our payload because you could always access these characters indirectly EG: String.

fromCharCode 0x The most likely trigger for a victim to execute that I'm aware of for an a tag is the onmouseover event, which fires when a user moves their cursor over the link:. On the profile page, these "About Me" texts start off truncated to 5 lines, with a button to display "more".

If we place the link at the end of where the text will be cut-off, the onmouseover part won't be displayed initially. Doing so also has another benefit: if the user clicks "more", the next line to be displayed the rest of our link will occupy where the button previously was, immediately triggering the mouseover event without the user's knowledge!

Once we have code execution, we can of course change the link text, in order to prevent suspicion:. And send the victim's cookies off to our server by creating an img with a request link that contains the cookie value:.

GGPoker “SuperUser” hackers. Should we be concerned?

By Kazile

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