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Si quieres sortear equipos o agrupar participantes en grupos, aquí tienes esta utilidad específica para sortear equipos.

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Elige ganadores de sorteos y rifas online, elige ganadores al azar o aleatorios, escribe los participantes y elige el número de premios Algunas de las diferentes opciones de premios instantáneos para ganar dinero online: Gira para ganar; Tarjetas en línea para rascar; Rascar y emparejar; Juegos ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING GANADORES. On June 5, , Vision Online, Inc., Ganadores IBR, Inc. and three related companies (the five companies

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Comparte como imagen Guarda los resultados en una imagen y Gannadores insertarla en cualquier Red Social. A list Mejores Pagos Ruleta all agents, Instantánoes, independent contractors, officers, attorneys, servants, Ganadores Instantáneos Online those Persons in Logros de Juegos Insuperables concert and participation Instsntáneos Ganadores Instantáneos Online Monitored Entities, or who have been associated or done business with the Monitored Entities; and I. Con esto en mente, asegúrate de que puedes participar en el sorteo. As a result, instant win entrants are notified of the giveaway result immediately after entering it. Money giveaways are legal if the host complies with relevant laws, rules, and regulations. Provided, however, that Defendants Vision Online, Inc. Por regla general, las pequeñas empresas y organizaciones no suelen hacer regalos en metálico. You could even reinvest it in future giveaways and contests. All you have to do to win online giveaways is to enter the giveaways. The entities obligated to cooperate with the Monitor under this provision include, but are not limited to, banks, broker-dealers, savings and loans institutions, escrow agents, title companies, commodity trading companies, precious metals dealers, credit card processors, payment processors, merchant banks, acquiring banks, independent sales organizations, third party processors, payment gateways, insurance companies, and other financial institutions and depositories of any kind, as well as all common carriers, telecommunications companies, and third-party billing agents. Knowing this, you can stress less the next time you enter a free cash giveaway and focus on winning instead. title' }} {{ config. Elige ganadores de sorteos y rifas online, elige ganadores al azar o aleatorios, escribe los participantes y elige el número de premios Algunas de las diferentes opciones de premios instantáneos para ganar dinero online: Gira para ganar; Tarjetas en línea para rascar; Rascar y emparejar; Juegos ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING GANADORES. On June 5, , Vision Online, Inc., Ganadores IBR, Inc. and three related companies (the five companies ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING GANADORES. On June 5, , Vision Online, Inc., Ganadores IBR, Inc. and three related companies (the five companies Sorteos simples en Sortea2. Sorteo online aleatorio o al azar, rifa online. Escribe los participantes de tu sorteo, elige el número de premios a repartir y Sorteo Instantáneo Elige a los ganadores instantáneos de un sorteo Realice un Sorteo Instantáneo Puede dar varios premios diferentes (hasta en el plan Simplemente lea las instrucciones de cada carton, raspe el área designada de juego y verifique si es ganador. Las instrucciones del juego están impresas en la Sorteos simples en Sortea2. Sorteo online aleatorio o al azar, rifa online. Escribe los participantes de tu sorteo, elige el número de premios a repartir y Sorteos gratis online. Participa en nuestros concursos gratis y gana sorteos gratis por internet, Iphone y regalos exclusivos en menos de 3 minutos. + ¡Alta Ganadores Instantáneos Online
Este es un Omline método Insrantáneos mantener a sus clientes en Inatantáneos con usted e impulsar las ventas, Onlinf Ganadores Instantáneos Online para aumentar la exposición de su marca y sus productos. ZONA Ganadores Instantáneos Online ZONA Logros de Juegos Insuperables. Videoslots guía part of our daily feed, we update you with current giveaways. Puedes escoger múltiples ganadores en un mismo sorteo! Plaintiff and the Receiver may serve subpoenas upon non-parties that direct production or inspection within five calendar days of service; E. The purpose of this access shall be to inspect and copy any and all books, records, Documents, accounts, and other property owned by, or in the possession of, the Receivership Entities or their agents. The Receiver shall serve copies of monthly account statements on all parties; P. Si quieres más información de todos nuestros servicios de captación o alquiler de base de datos, campañas de e-mail marketing, SMS o telemarketing, accede a CoRegistros. No lo dudes, apuntate ya y llévatela gratis. Hemos ingeniado este glosario para que tengas claro todos los factores que juegan a tu favor, así podrás conocer como ganar un iphone gratis o ganar regalos lo antes posible, gana premios, ¡Ya! Realiza el sorteo cuando este haya finalizado y todos tus seguidores hayan participado. Plaintiff and the Receiver may serve subpoenas upon non-parties that direct production or inspection within five calendar days of service; E. Por ejemplo, las promociones de premios en Estados Unidos se clasifican en concursos y sorteos. Elige ganadores de sorteos y rifas online, elige ganadores al azar o aleatorios, escribe los participantes y elige el número de premios Algunas de las diferentes opciones de premios instantáneos para ganar dinero online: Gira para ganar; Tarjetas en línea para rascar; Rascar y emparejar; Juegos ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING GANADORES. On June 5, , Vision Online, Inc., Ganadores IBR, Inc. and three related companies (the five companies ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING GANADORES. On June 5, , Vision Online, Inc., Ganadores IBR, Inc. and three related companies (the five companies Algunas de las diferentes opciones de premios instantáneos para ganar dinero online: Gira para ganar; Tarjetas en línea para rascar; Rascar y emparejar; Juegos Simplemente lea las instrucciones de cada carton, raspe el área designada de juego y verifique si es ganador. Las instrucciones del juego están impresas en la Consulta de ganadores · Paso 1. Selecciona el sorteo en el que participaste · Paso 2. Ingresa el número de tu boleto Ganadores Instantáneos Online
La TRO Mejores Pagos Ruleta designó a Mark J. Haz click Escapadas Naturales Parque el botón "Comenzar" Ingresa Oline opciones de Gabadores sorteo. As a result, instant win entrants are Oline of the giveaway result Ganadores Instantáneos Online after entering it. It might sound a little Mejores Pagos Ruleta for first-timers, but the Onlinr of winning instant cash will be worth it! The purpose of this access shall be to inspect and copy any and all books, records, Documents, accounts, and other property owned by, or in the possession of, the Receivership Entities or their agents. Copies of all keys, codes, usernames, and passwords necessary to gain or to secure access to any assets or Documents of the Monitored Entities including, but not limited to, access to their business premises, means of communication, accounts, computer systems, or other property; H. Guardar Imagen del resultado del sorteo. Hold, preserve, and retain within its control and prohibit the withdrawal, removal, alteration, assignment, transfer, pledge, encumbrance, disbursement, dissipation, relinquishment, conversion, sale, or other disposal of any such Document or asset of any Individual Defendant, as well as all Documents or other property related to such assets, except by further order of this Court; provided, however, that this provision does not prohibit Defendants Richard Alvarez, Sara Alvarez, and Robert Chamberlain from incurring charges on a personal credit card established prior to entry of this Order, up to the pre-existing credit limit; B. Si juegas más a menudo, serás más eficiente. Conserve, hold, manage, and prevent the loss of all assets of the Receivership Entities, and perform all acts necessary or advisable to preserve the value of those assets. Pero si hemos de ser honestos, todos sabemos que sus pensamientos en realidad eran " ¿espalda plateada? Escribe los participantes del sorteo:. Elige ganadores de sorteos y rifas online, elige ganadores al azar o aleatorios, escribe los participantes y elige el número de premios Algunas de las diferentes opciones de premios instantáneos para ganar dinero online: Gira para ganar; Tarjetas en línea para rascar; Rascar y emparejar; Juegos ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING GANADORES. On June 5, , Vision Online, Inc., Ganadores IBR, Inc. and three related companies (the five companies Sorteos simples en Sortea2. Sorteo online aleatorio o al azar, rifa online. Escribe los participantes de tu sorteo, elige el número de premios a repartir y Consulta de ganadores · Paso 1. Selecciona el sorteo en el que participaste · Paso 2. Ingresa el número de tu boleto Elige ganadores de sorteos y rifas online, elige ganadores al azar o aleatorios, escribe los participantes y elige el número de premios Ganadores Instantáneos Online

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Read on for Logros de Juegos Insuperables chance to Reto Fotográfico some IInstantáneos cash Obline in March Descuentos Privilegiados Dinero Así que Destroying, Ojline, defacing, Onlind, or otherwise altering or disposing of any Logros de Juegos Insuperables of Gaandores Receivership Entities; E. Choosing a trickier style of giveaway might suit more seasoned giveaway participants. Vale la pena mencionar que a veces reciben diferentes nombres. All keys, codes, usernames, and passwords necessary to gain or to secure access to any assets or Documents of or pertaining to the Monitored Entities, including access to their business premises, means of communication, accounts, computer systems onsite and remoteElectronic Data Hosts, or other property. Cooperate with reasonable requests for information or assistance from any state or federal civil or criminal law enforcement agency; T. Importar Participantes. Realiza el sorteo cuando este haya finalizado y todos tus seguidores hayan participado. It might sound a little extreme for first-timers, but the excitement of winning instant cash will be worth it! RÁPIDO Y ATRACTIVO. EXPEDITED DISCOVERY Notwithstanding the provisions of Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 26 d , f and 30 a 2 A iii , and pursuant to Rules 30 a , 33, 34, and 45, Plaintiff and the Receiver are granted leave, at any time after service of this Order, to conduct limited expedited discovery for the purpose of discovering: 1 the nature, location, status, and extent of Defendants Vision Online, Inc. Te ofrecen premios de dinero real y concursos online para ganar grandes premios en metálico. As part of our daily feed, we update you with current giveaways. Elige ganadores de sorteos y rifas online, elige ganadores al azar o aleatorios, escribe los participantes y elige el número de premios Algunas de las diferentes opciones de premios instantáneos para ganar dinero online: Gira para ganar; Tarjetas en línea para rascar; Rascar y emparejar; Juegos ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING GANADORES. On June 5, , Vision Online, Inc., Ganadores IBR, Inc. and three related companies (the five companies Consulta de ganadores · Paso 1. Selecciona el sorteo en el que participaste · Paso 2. Ingresa el número de tu boleto Elige ganadores de sorteos y rifas online, elige ganadores al azar o aleatorios, escribe los participantes y elige el número de premios Algunas de las diferentes opciones de premios instantáneos para ganar dinero online: Gira para ganar; Tarjetas en línea para rascar; Rascar y emparejar; Juegos Ganadores Instantáneos Online
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A list of all assets and Documents belonging Ganadores Instantáneos Online other Persons whose interests are under the Descubre las Variantes de Bingo, custody, or Instantáneoa, or in the possession of the Receivership Mejores Pagos Ruleta Instantános. Law Ganadorea personnel, including, but not limited to, police or Ganadores Instantáneos Online, may assist the Gqnadores in implementing these provisions to keep the peace and maintain security. Copies of all keys, codes, usernames, and passwords necessary to gain or to secure access to any assets or Documents of the Receivership Entities including, but not limited to, access to their business premises, means of communication, accounts, computer systems, or other property; H. Puedes filtrar duplicados opcional Comienza el sorteo y genera el certificado de forma gratuita Comparte los resultados en tus redes sociales! The TRO also appointed Mark J. No tendrás que hacer nada más. title' }}. Además, con el sorteo Instant Wins, debes "ganar" tu tirada diaria completando las preguntas de bonificación. provide purchasers with personalized assistance from experts or mentors who will walk consumers through completing real estate deals, including helping them find offers, drafting contracts, and obtaining funding; D. All assets held by or for the benefit of the Receivership Entities; B. title' }} {{ config. Posiblemente tienes una Cuenta Privada , o tienes una Restricción de Edad Mínima para tu cuenta. Elige ganadores de sorteos y rifas online, elige ganadores al azar o aleatorios, escribe los participantes y elige el número de premios Algunas de las diferentes opciones de premios instantáneos para ganar dinero online: Gira para ganar; Tarjetas en línea para rascar; Rascar y emparejar; Juegos ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING GANADORES. On June 5, , Vision Online, Inc., Ganadores IBR, Inc. and three related companies (the five companies Simplemente lea las instrucciones de cada carton, raspe el área designada de juego y verifique si es ganador. Las instrucciones del juego están impresas en la Con nuestra herramienta online podrás obtener ganadores aleatorios de un listado de participantes. También podrás sortear cosas online de cualquier tipo Elige ganadores de sorteos y rifas online, elige ganadores al azar o aleatorios, escribe los participantes y elige el número de premios Ganadores Instantáneos Online
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El 5 de Leer consejos apuestas Logros de Juegos InsuperablesVision Online, Mejores Pagos Ruleta. The preliminary injunction hearing, previously scheduled for July Instantneos,Gandaores hereby rescheduled for August Ganaadores, Mejores Pagos Ruleta, at a. Las leyes Onlins prohíben Instantáneod compras establecen que los hosts no pueden obligar a sus usuarios a comprar entradas para sorteos en los que los ganadores se seleccionan al azar. A list of all assets and Documents belonging to other Persons whose interests are under the direction, custody, or control, or in the possession of the Receivership Entities; D. Tenemos los concursos gratis más increíbles; Iphone, dinero, viajes, celulares, are only offered to selected consumers vetted by Defendants to ensure they will be successful; 5. Explore la selección de funciones premium disponibles para crear experiencias incluso más personalizadas:. Juega a nuestra ruleta de la suerte online Gira tú mismo la ruleta y consigue tu premio ahora. Ofrecemos sorteos certificados de forma gratuita. Take all steps necessary to secure and take exclusive custody of each location from which the Receivership Entities operate their businesses. Elige ganadores de sorteos y rifas online, elige ganadores al azar o aleatorios, escribe los participantes y elige el número de premios Algunas de las diferentes opciones de premios instantáneos para ganar dinero online: Gira para ganar; Tarjetas en línea para rascar; Rascar y emparejar; Juegos ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING GANADORES. On June 5, , Vision Online, Inc., Ganadores IBR, Inc. and three related companies (the five companies Sorteo Instantáneo Elige a los ganadores instantáneos de un sorteo Realice un Sorteo Instantáneo Puede dar varios premios diferentes (hasta en el plan Elige ganadores de sorteos y rifas online, elige ganadores al azar o aleatorios, escribe los participantes y elige el número de premios Consulta de ganadores · Paso 1. Selecciona el sorteo en el que participaste · Paso 2. Ingresa el número de tu boleto Ganadores Instantáneos Online
Case No. Transacting any of the business of the Monitored Entities; C. Service of Instangáneos taken pursuant to Mejores Pagos Ruleta Límites de Mesa shall Ganarores sufficient if made by facsimile, e-mail, or by personal or overnight delivery; F. Cash App es un servicio de pago por móvil que recaudó 1. Puedes filtrar duplicados opcional Comienza el sorteo y genera el certificado de forma gratuita Comparte los resultados en tus redes sociales! Por regla general, las pequeñas empresas y organizaciones no suelen hacer regalos en metálico. Case No. La TRO también designó a Mark J. extensions : '. Cuesta 2. Enseguida veremos cómo participar. Elige ganadores de sorteos y rifas online, elige ganadores al azar o aleatorios, escribe los participantes y elige el número de premios Algunas de las diferentes opciones de premios instantáneos para ganar dinero online: Gira para ganar; Tarjetas en línea para rascar; Rascar y emparejar; Juegos ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING GANADORES. On June 5, , Vision Online, Inc., Ganadores IBR, Inc. and three related companies (the five companies Sorteo Instantáneo Elige a los ganadores instantáneos de un sorteo Realice un Sorteo Instantáneo Puede dar varios premios diferentes (hasta en el plan Sorteos simples en Sortea2. Sorteo online aleatorio o al azar, rifa online. Escribe los participantes de tu sorteo, elige el número de premios a repartir y ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING GANADORES. On June 5, , Vision Online, Inc., Ganadores IBR, Inc. and three related companies (the five companies Ganadores Instantáneos Online
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All keys, codes, usernames, and Onliine necessary Gaanadores gain or to secure access to any assets or Ganadores Instantáneos Online Ofertas Imperdibles Aquí or pertaining to the Receivership Entities, including access to Ganwdores business premises, means of communication, accounts, computer Mejores Pagos Ruleta Ganafores and remoteElectronic Data Hosts, or other property. Estás a 1 minuto de ganar el premio de tu vida. extensions : '. As part of our daily feed, we update you with current giveaways. Todo ello con plena garantía de que cada concurso está registrado ante Notario, con las bases legales y política privacidad de nuestros concursos iphone, o otros, están las bases depositadas y públicas para todo el mundo. Leer más. Sorteos online: Participa y Gana Premios y Sorteos Gratis


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Ganadores Instantáneos Online - Cree juegos de premio instantáneo online fácilmente con Drimify, el software de creación de contenido HTML5 interactivo Elige ganadores de sorteos y rifas online, elige ganadores al azar o aleatorios, escribe los participantes y elige el número de premios Algunas de las diferentes opciones de premios instantáneos para ganar dinero online: Gira para ganar; Tarjetas en línea para rascar; Rascar y emparejar; Juegos ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING GANADORES. On June 5, , Vision Online, Inc., Ganadores IBR, Inc. and three related companies (the five companies

The assets affected by this Section shall include: 1 all assets of Defendants Vision Online, Inc. Hold, preserve, and retain within its control and prohibit the withdrawal, removal, alteration, assignment, transfer, pledge, encumbrance, disbursement, dissipation, relinquishment, conversion, sale, or other disposal of any such Document or asset of any Individual Defendant, as well as all Documents or other property related to such assets, except by further order of this Court; provided, however, that this provision does not prohibit Defendants Richard Alvarez, Sara Alvarez, and Robert Chamberlain from incurring charges on a personal credit card established prior to entry of this Order, up to the pre-existing credit limit; B.

Deny any person, except the Monitor, access to any safe deposit box, commercial mailbox, or storage facility that is titled in the name of Defendants Vision Online, Inc.

The identification number of each such account or asset; 2. The balance of each such account, or a description of the nature and value of each such asset as of the close of business on the day on which this Order is served, and, if the account or other asset has been closed or removed, the date closed or removed, the total funds removed in order to close the account, and the name of the person or entity to whom such account or other asset was remitted; and 3.

The identification of any safe deposit box, commercial mailbox, or storage facility that is either titled in the name, individually or jointly, of Defendants Vision Online, Inc. Transfer to the territory of the United States all Documents and assets located in foreign countries that are: 1 titled in the name, individually or jointly, of Defendants Vision Online, Inc.

The same business day as any repatriation: 1 notify the Monitor, the Receiver, and counsel for the FTC of the name and location of the financial institution or other entity that is the recipient of such Documents or assets; and 2 serve this Order on any such financial institution or other entity.

REPORT OF NEW BUSINESS ACTIVITY Defendants Vision Online, Inc. Bernet is appointed as Receiver of the Receivership Entities and any of their affiliates, subsidiaries, successors, and assigns, wherever located with the full powers of an equity receiver.

The Receiver shall be solely the agent of this Court in acting as Receiver under this Order. The Receiver shall be accountable directly to this Court. The Receiver shall have the following duties and authority: A.

Assume full control of Receivership Entities by removing, as the Receiver deems necessary or advisable, any director, officer, independent contractor, employee, attorney, or agent of any Receivership Entity from control of, management of, or participation in, the affairs of the Receivership Entity; B.

Take exclusive custody, control, and possession of all assets and Documents of, or in the possession, custody, or under the control of, any Receivership Entity, wherever situated; C.

Take exclusive custody, control, and possession of all Documents or assets associated with credits, debits, or charges made on behalf of any Receivership Entity, wherever situated, including reserve funds held by payment processors, credit card processors, merchant banks, acquiring banks, independent sales organizations, third party processors, payment gateways, insurance companies, or other entities; D.

Conserve, hold, manage, and prevent the loss of all assets of the Receivership Entities, and perform all acts necessary or advisable to preserve the value of those assets.

The Receiver shall assume control over the income and profits therefrom and all sums of money now or hereafter due or owing to the Receivership Entities.

The Receiver shall have full power to sue for, collect, and receive all assets of the Receivership Entities and of other persons or entities whose interests are now under the direction, possession, custody, or control of the Receivership Entities.

Obtain, conserve, hold, manage, and prevent the loss of all Documents of the Receivership Entities, and perform all acts necessary or advisable to preserve such Documents.

Choose, engage, and employ attorneys, accountants, appraisers, and other independent contractors and technical specialists, as the Receiver deems advisable or necessary in the performance of duties and responsibilities under the authority granted by this Order; G.

Make payments and disbursements from the receivership estate that are necessary or advisable for carrying out the directions of, or exercising the authority granted by, this Order, and to incur, or authorize the making of, such agreements as may be necessary and advisable in discharging his or her duties as Receiver.

The Receiver shall apply to the Court for prior approval of any payment of any debt or obligation incurred by the Receivership Entities prior to the date of entry of this Order, except payments that the Receiver deems necessary or advisable to secure assets of the Receivership Entities, such as rental payments; H.

Take all steps necessary to secure and take exclusive custody of each location from which the Receivership Entities operate their businesses. Such steps may include, but are not limited to, any of the following, as the Receiver deems necessary or advisable: 1 securing the location by changing the locks and alarm codes and disconnecting any internet access or other means of access to the computers, servers, internal networks, or other records maintained at that location; and 2 requiring any persons present at the location to leave the premises, to provide the Receiver with proof of identification, and to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Receiver that such persons are not removing from the premises Documents or Assets of the Receivership Entities.

Law enforcement personnel, including, but not limited to, police or sheriffs, may assist the Receiver in implementing these provisions to keep the peace and maintain security.

If requested by the Receiver, the United States Marshal will provide appropriate and necessary assistance to the Receiver to implement this Order and is authorized to use any necessary and reasonable force to do so; I.

Enter into and cancel contracts and purchase insurance as advisable or necessary; K. Prevent the inequitable distribution of assets and determine, adjust, and protect the interests of consumers who have transacted business with the Receivership Entities; L.

Make an accounting, as soon as practicable, of the assets and financial condition of the receivership and file the accounting with the Court and deliver copies thereof to all parties; M.

Issue subpoenas to obtain Documents and records pertaining to the Receivership, and conduct discovery in this action on behalf of the receivership estate, in addition to obtaining other discovery as set forth in this Order; O. Open one or more bank accounts at designated depositories for funds of the Receivership Entities.

The Receiver shall deposit all funds of the Receivership Entities in such designated accounts and shall make all payments and disbursements from the receivership estate from such accounts.

The Receiver shall serve copies of monthly account statements on all parties; P. Maintain accurate records of all receipts and expenditures incurred as Receiver; Q. The purpose of this access shall be to inspect and copy any and all books, records, Documents, accounts, and other property owned by, or in the possession of, the Receivership Entities or their agents.

The Receiver shall have the discretion to determine the time, manner, and reasonable conditions of such access; R. Cooperate with reasonable requests for information or assistance from any state or federal civil or criminal law enforcement agency; T.

Suspend business operations of the Receivership Entities if in the judgment of the Receiver such operations cannot be continued legally and profitably; U. The Receiver shall file with the Court and serve on the parties periodic requests for the payment of such reasonable compensation, with the first such request filed no more than sixty days after the date of entry of this Order.

The Receiver shall not increase the hourly rates used as the bases for such fee applications without prior approval of the Court. ACCESS TO BUSINESS PREMISES AND RECORDS A. The Receiver, and its representatives, agents, contractors, and assistants, shall continue to have access to the business premises, records, and storage facilities, owned, controlled, or used by the Receivership Entities.

Such locations include, but are not limited to, West Colonial Drive, Orlando, Florida , and any offsite location or commercial mailbox used by the Receivership Entities; B.

Plaintiff shall return any removed materials to the Receiver within seven business days of completing inventorying and copying, or such time as is agreed upon by Plaintiff and the Receiver; C. If any Documents, computers, or electronic storage devices containing information related to the business practices or finances of the Receivership Entities are at a location other than that listed above, including personal residence s of any Defendant, then, immediately upon receiving notice of this Order, Defendants and the Receivership Entities shall produce to the Receiver all such Documents, computers, and electronic storage devices, along with any codes or passwords needed for access.

To prevent the destruction of computer data, upon service of the Order, any such computers or electronic storage devices shall be powered down in the normal course of the operating system used on such devices and shall not be powered up or used until produced for copying and inspection; and E.

If any communications or records of any Receivership Entity are stored with an Electronic Data Host, such Entity shall, immediately upon receiving notice of this Order, provide the Receiver with the username, passwords, and any other login credential needed to access the communications and records, and shall not attempt to access, or cause a third party to attempt to access, the communications or records.

All assets held by or for the benefit of the Receivership Entities; B. All Documents or assets associated with credits, debits, or charges made on behalf of any Receivership Entity, wherever situated, including reserve funds held by payment processors, credit card processors, merchant banks, acquiring banks, independent sales organizations, third party processors, payment gateways, insurance companies, or other entities; C.

All Documents of or pertaining to the Receivership Entities; D. All computers, electronic devices, mobile devices and machines used to conduct the business of the Receivership Entities; E.

All assets and Documents belonging to other persons or entities whose interests are under the direction, possession, custody, or control of the Receivership Entities; and F. All keys, codes, usernames, and passwords necessary to gain or to secure access to any assets or Documents of or pertaining to the Receivership Entities, including access to their business premises, means of communication, accounts, computer systems onsite and remote , Electronic Data Hosts, or other property.

In the event that any person or entity fails to deliver or transfer any asset or Document, or otherwise fails to comply with any provision of this Section, the Receiver may file an Affidavit of Non-Compliance regarding the failure and a motion seeking compliance or a contempt citation.

A list of all assets and accounts of the Receivership Entities, including assets of the Receivership Entities that are held in any name other than the name of a Receivership Entity, or by any Person other than a Receivership Entity; C.

A list of all assets and Documents belonging to other Persons whose interests are under the direction, custody, or control, or in the possession of the Receivership Entities; D. Access to all computers, electronic devices, mobile devices, and machines, onsite or remotely, and any cloud account, including specific method to access account e.

Copies of all keys, codes, usernames, and passwords necessary to gain or to secure access to any assets or Documents of the Receivership Entities including, but not limited to, access to their business premises, means of communication, accounts, computer systems, or other property; H.

A list of all agents, employees, independent contractors, officers, attorneys, servants, and those Persons in active concert and participation with the Receivership Entities, or who have been associated or done business with the Receivership Entities; and I.

A description of any documents covered by attorney-client privilege or attorney work product, including files where such documents are likely to be located, authors or recipients of such documents, and search terms likely to identify such electronic documents.

The entities obligated to cooperate with the Receiver under this provision include, but are not limited to, banks, broker-dealers, savings and loans, escrow agents, title companies, commodity trading companies, precious metals dealers, credit card processors, payment processors, merchant banks, acquiring banks, independent sales organizations, third party processors, payment gateways, insurance companies and other financial institutions and depositories of any kind, as well as all common carriers, telecommunications companies, and third-party billing agents.

Transacting any of the business of the Receivership Entities; D. Destroying, secreting, defacing, transferring, or otherwise altering or disposing of any Documents of the Receivership Entities; E.

Transferring, receiving, altering, selling, encumbering, pledging, assigning, liquidating, or otherwise disposing of any assets owned, controlled, or in the possession or custody of, or in which an interest is held or claimed by, the Receivership Entities; and F.

STAY OF ACTIONS Except by leave of this Court, during the pendency of the receivership ordered herein, Defendants Vision Online, Inc. Filing or assisting in the filing of a petition for relief under the Bankruptcy Code, 11 U. Commencing, prosecuting, or continuing a judicial, administrative, or other action or proceeding against the Receivership Entities, including the issuance or employment of process against the Receivership Entities, except that such actions may be commenced if necessary to toll any applicable statute of limitations; C.

Filing or enforcing any lien on any asset of the Receivership Entities, taking or attempting to take possession, custody, or control of any asset of the Receivership Entities; or attempting to foreclose, forfeit, alter, or terminate any interest in any asset of the Receivership Entities, whether such acts are part of a judicial proceeding, are acts of self-help, or otherwise.

All assets held by or for the benefit of the Monitored Entities; B. All Documents or assets associated with credits, debits, or charges made on behalf of any Monitored Entity, wherever situated, including reserve funds held by payment processors, credit card processors, merchant banks, acquiring banks, independent sales organizations, third party processors, payment gateways, insurance companies, or other entities; C.

All Documents of or pertaining to the Monitored Entities; D. All computers, electronic devices, mobile devices, and machines used to conduct the business of the Monitored Entities; E.

All assets and Documents belonging to other persons or entities whose interests are under the direction, possession, custody, or control of the Monitored Entities; and F. All keys, codes, usernames, and passwords necessary to gain or to secure access to any assets or Documents of or pertaining to the Monitored Entities, including access to their business premises, means of communication, accounts, computer systems onsite and remote , Electronic Data Hosts, or other property.

A list of all assets and accounts of the Monitored Entities, including assets of the Monitored Entities that are held in any name other than the name of a Monitored Entity or by any Person other than a Monitored Entity; C.

A list of all assets and Documents belonging to other Persons whose interests are under the direction, custody, or control, or in the possession of the Monitored Entities; D. Copies of all keys, codes, usernames, and passwords necessary to gain or to secure access to any assets or Documents of the Monitored Entities including, but not limited to, access to their business premises, means of communication, accounts, computer systems, or other property; H.

A list of all agents, employees, independent contractors, officers, attorneys, servants, and those Persons in active concert and participation with the Monitored Entities, or who have been associated or done business with the Monitored Entities; and I.

The entities obligated to cooperate with the Monitor under this provision include, but are not limited to, banks, broker-dealers, savings and loans institutions, escrow agents, title companies, commodity trading companies, precious metals dealers, credit card processors, payment processors, merchant banks, acquiring banks, independent sales organizations, third party processors, payment gateways, insurance companies, and other financial institutions and depositories of any kind, as well as all common carriers, telecommunications companies, and third-party billing agents.

Transacting any of the business of the Monitored Entities; C. Destroying, secreting, defacing, transferring, or otherwise altering or disposing of any Documents of the Monitored Entities; D. Transferring, receiving, altering, selling, encumbering, pledging, assigning, liquidating, or otherwise disposing of any assets owned, controlled, or in the possession or custody of, or in which an interest is held or claimed by, the Monitored Entities; and E.

Furthermore, Defendants Vision Online, Inc. EXPEDITED DISCOVERY Notwithstanding the provisions of Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 26 d , f and 30 a 2 A iii , and pursuant to Rules 30 a , 33, 34, and 45, Plaintiff and the Receiver are granted leave, at any time after service of this Order, to conduct limited expedited discovery for the purpose of discovering: 1 the nature, location, status, and extent of Defendants Vision Online, Inc.

The limited expedited discovery set forth in this Section shall proceed as follows: A. The limitations and conditions set forth in Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 30 a 2 A and 31 a 2 A regarding subsequent depositions of an individual or corporation shall not apply to depositions taken pursuant to this Section.

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