Recompensas Interactivas Gaming en Línea

When creating an in-game ad campaign, it's essential to consider who the intended audience is. What kind of mobile games do they like to play? What do they respond to in advertising?

By understanding the target audience, brands can create ads that are more likely to resonate with the gaming community. With its ability to be interactive and flexible, in-game advertising allows marketers to reach their audiences where they are most engaged and active. In addition, as audiences continue to consume multiple sources of entertainment simultaneously, it is increasingly important for advertisers to ensure their ads are relevant to the native experience and their target audience.

It's no secret that gaming is huge. But what kind of people are playing games? What motivates them? And what can brands do to reach this audience? But understanding how these players think is the best place to start. They often have a genuine love and interest for gaming and spend time learning about the game world.

And while their interests might shift over time, leading them to focus on other things like social media, cooking, or shopping, Dabblers always find small ways to fit casual games into their lives. They make up one in every ten gamers and tend to be highly engaged with gaming culture. They subscribe to gaming subscription services, use multiple platforms, and play a variety of video games.

However, as they age, they tend to spend time focused on other aspects of their identity e. But in the end, their appreciation of the innovative nature and mental stimulation in gaming keeps the hobby a consistent pillar in their lives. While their gaming interests are broad when it comes to platforms and genres, their preferred games tend to be amongst the most popular games.

They invest time and money into the most popular elements of gaming culture, and the originality, visual graphics, and mental stimulation gaming provide are all highly appealing to them. However, outside of gaming, they are least likely to be found watching TV more than once a week.

They would much rather spend their time going to the movies, reading, creating art, or listening to podcasts. They are young, game whenever and wherever they can, and spend frequently and spend big on their love for gaming.

Yet, Player Ones only represent one in four gamers. This behavior also extends to gaming hardware, with Player Ones more likely to have the latest and greatest gaming tech compared to most other gaming segments and are often tapped by friends and family for their advice on all things tech.

Gaming is their preferred space and one where they can freely express themselves, share and explore. It is their most valued past-time and a daily personal passion. Like Player Ones, they know everything about the gaming world. Ask them about a video game character or about the lore of a gaming franchise and the full depth of their gaming knowledge is revealed.

But having the latest console, graphics card, or game isn't enough. They want to be the best at what they do. That's why they're always on the lookout for new ways to improve their skills. Only then can they create holistic gaming strategies that take into account the ever-changing landscape of the gaming world.

The online-based study surveyed 21, gamers split across the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. It has helped consumers contextualize emerging products, from computers to mobile devices, while also introducing new ways for people to engage with and consume entertainment.

Now audiences are enjoying entertainment throughout the day, often across multiple devices at a time, with the second screen now acting as the primary focal point. It charts both gamers' and non-gamers' entertainment habits to understand how these routines have evolved, from time of day engagement, generational influences, second screening, and ad avoidance.

All respondents used at least one of the following mediums: gaming, streaming tv, live tv, and esports. This study was fielded for a week in December We also partnered with Michelle Madansky Consulting to interview 12 gamers for minutes, including 17 gamers located in the US and UK, about a day in the life of their media consumption.

Restaurants, shopping, travel, generally everything that requires some degree of social interaction may be impacted by the norms and precautions of the pandemic for years to come.

Even our daily routines, such as how we consume media, have not been immune to an ongoing influence from this period. Notably, streaming and gaming both found a larger presence in the media diets of consumers. In the following months, anecdotal takes and limited evidence found corroboration from a variety of sources.

While the general narrative around gaming and the pandemic was increased engagement, there were some concerns that mobile might drop off as parts of life where mobile gaming is common like commuting were no longer regular occurrences. Research firm Forrester predicts that heavy online video consumption via streaming services will continue on past the pandemic, potentially to the point of making visits to the cinema a relatively niche activity.

The same may be true for streaming viewing, inclusive of layering this viewing with gaming. Human behaviors, as a rule, tend to shift slowly - but what may have been a curiosity or reinvestment at the onset of the pandemic has likely become a habit some two years later.

Like so much of our day-to-day lives, the pandemic has irrevocably altered our relationship with media. The prevailing evidence points towards a relationship where gaming is featured even more prominently than before, and in dialogue with shifting expectations around main-stay media consumption such as TV.

What was a novelty at the onset of the pandemic may now be a norm, and whatever trajectory gaming was on en route to being a dominant part of the consumer media ecosystem may have been irrevocably fast-tracked. With the rise of gaming more generally, we will inevitably find new ways in which gaming is weaved into other forms of media consumption, be it via a new form of second screening or otherwise.

Marketers would be well advised to understand and adapt to the new media landscape which may well extend beyond the confines of this unusual and challenging period, and in doing so evolve old strategies to emerging media frontiers.

In as the world changed, so too did our entertainment habits. Looking for ways to find social connection, joy and purpose in a world without physicality, people increasingly turned to video games and esports.

But far from being a new phenomenon, gaming has been steadily on the rise for years. And what will be the impact of these changed behaviors and emotional connections long term? Discover what entertainment and gaming habits will look like in a post-pandemic world. They are the first generation to grow up with gaming in its proliferation, creating a lasting emotional connection that has seen them dedicate more time and money to gaming today than any other generation.

While both Generation Z and Millennials lead the pack when it comes to their engagement, enjoyment, and consumption of gaming, Millennials find themselves being pulled back to the games they grew up with, investing more into the games that speak to their deeper motivations.

It is this unique combination of passion, dedication, and investment in gaming that sets Millennials apart from not only Gen Z but all other gaming generations. Like many adults, time is my most scarce and sacred commodity.

And you should too, as this signals several important implications in the gaming and marketing landscape. Early arcade games were made notoriously difficult because having a player lose was profitable - another quarter for another chance. Have you ever seen Super Mario Brothers played end to end?

The center of gravity for gaming moved from the arcade to the living room, and now increasingly to the phone. Through this transition, the technical limitations of the past are less relevant.

Sure, there are some games where the difficulty is the point of the game Roguelikes, Souls games, etc. This bigger and more differentiated audiences - virtually any consumer can be reached in gaming.

Understanding the context of a given entertainment environment, and the need state through which a consumer approaches it leads to powerful and effective marketing tactics. A better understanding of the gaming ecosystem can lead to outsized results for brands.

These are sophisticated, multi-billion dollar entertainment experiences occasionally on par or better than the likes of TV or movies. Gaming should not be thought of as a simplistic and niche category, but a massive entertainment platform befitting premium brands and sophisticated marketing activations.

In this way, brands give back the most valuable commodity possible to consumers time and can be a hero. I can personally vouch for the time and sanity savings one may reap from a well-implemented Easy Mode.

In , the first Millennials will turn The last generation to grow up in a pre-internet world, Millennials witnessed the emergence of smartphones, social media, and one-click shopping. They are intimately familiar and comfortable with digital technology, while also remembering a world without it.

For Millennials, this meant they grew up playing classic video game titles, with gaming forming a key part of their childhood and identity. As such, Millennials have spent more of their lives playing video games than any other generation to date.

Their relationship with gaming, and indeed gaming itself, has evolved as they have, staying with them throughout the digital transformation that has largely defined the generation.

And for Millennials, this high engagement has continued well into adulthood. Millennials enjoy the strong sense of nostalgia associated with a pastime they first experienced in their youth. The relaunch of classic gaming titles such as Tony Hawk and Crash Bandicoot in recent years points to this trend.

Not only do Millennials have an emotional connection to these games, stories, and characters, but they are also more loyal to the franchises they grew up playing.

At a time when so many of us are looking for forms of comfort and reassurance amidst uncertainty in an ever-changing world, gaming provides Millennials with exactly that. It gives millennials a sense of purpose, joy, and connection, with a nod to the familiarity of their youth.

From their first introduction to gaming in their youth to the strong pull of nostalgia into adulthood, Millennials are one of the most engaged gaming generations.

It is this connection to gaming, coupled with the purchasing power of a high disposable income, that makes Millennial gamers one of the most valuable audience groups for brands. The online-based study surveyed 21, gamers across the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. Millennials are classified as those born between and Generation X are classified as those born between and At the heart of any great game experience is its fans.

And this holds true across platform, genre and game type, from professional esports competitions to mobile match-3 games. For brands and marketers wanting to activate in the gaming space, the first step is understanding the audience - what motivates them, what engages them and their emotional need states.

Always wanted to win a trophy at Cannes? Teams of 3 will go head-to-head with the action kicking off on June Registration is open to all not just Cannes Lions attendees and closes on June Be sure to check out the Activision Blizzard Media content hub for the latest gamer research and insights.

Making up a significant proportion of the gaming audience are gamer parents - moms and dads who love video games and esports. Whether gaming provides them with a moment to themselves, or is a shared experience they enjoy playing and watching with their family, gamer moms and dads show high engagement with gaming across all types of gaming platforms.

Learn more about how gamer parents, many of whom grew up gaming, are changing the game when it comes to gaming audiences. The campaign was a unique approach from an enterprise software company, featuring creative elements that focused on human feelings and raw emotions e.

By partnering with King Games, SAP was able to provide real value during key moments that helped players further their gameplay. The natively integrated video ads reached a highly engaged and viewable audience while delivering on all ad effectiveness measures.

Through a brand lift study, BT was able to test the effectiveness of its video ad in a premium and fully opt-in environment. Through eye-catching rewarded videos that featured clear branding, the campaign helped BT drive brand exposure.

By featuring ad creative with clear branding elements and utilizing a sound-off strategy, Mini Babybel Bio was able to drive brand impact. The campaign resulted in high viewability and video completion rates, outperforming industry standards. By providing King gamers with real value that helped further their gameplay, HelloFresh was able to elicit positive brand associations with players.

Ad exposure also drove a double-digit impact in ad recall. By leveraging an ad effectiveness study, Kimberly Clark was able to test the efficacy of opt-in video ads among leaned-in players within a highly premium environment. The vertically-oriented videos, optimised for mobile ad platforms, featured on-screen text with key messaging takeaways.

Thematic consistency between creatives reinforced branding presence and recognition. As a result, the campaign saw great success in boosting impact for the toilet tissue brand.

Consequently, the Andrex® campaign outperformed industry norms on viewability and video completion rates. The strongest impact was seen in a double-digit lift for ad recall. By leveraging a brand lift study, N26 was able to test the efficacy of its video creative in a premium, brand safe, choice-based environment.

By partnering with King Games, N26 was able to provide real value during key moments that helped players further their game progress.

As a result, the campaign considerably exceeded industry norms across both viewability and video completion rates. The rewarded video ad also resulted in double-digit lift for ad recall.

The Match 3 end card experience emulated the gameplay of Candy Crush and created a seamless brand integration for Pringles, all while providing desirable rewards to players and helping further their game progress. The Agency Showdown brought together 32 teams from our agency partners in a head-to-head in a virtual Call of Duty: Mobile esports tournament.

Missed any of the action? Catch up on the best plays and epic hits. While engagement with video games increased during , gaming itself is far from a new phenomenon. For most people, this increased engagement with video games signified a return to gaming, or an opportunity to reconnect with a pastime they had previously enjoyed but lacked the time to spend with it.

This research aims to better understand what these behaviors and emotional connections will mean long-term for audiences and brands alike, providing insight into entertainment and gaming usage in a post-pandemic world.

What makes a gamer a gamer? The platforms they play on? Their motivations for playing? Swept up in a cloud of stereotypes and out-of-date cliches, the true depth and diversity of this audience is not often realized. Less than half said yes. The advancement in technology means it has never been easier to play - smartphones allow us to have a gaming console in our pocket while online gaming has never been more accessible.

Gamers are portrayed as either mobile or console players, casual or hardcore, first-person shooter or puzzle gamers. But this approach means gamers are often portrayed as one-dimensional, fitting neatly into pre-conceived notions and stereotypes.

They can quietly revel in the sense of achievement gaming offers, while also enjoying the social connection that comes from playing with friends. And they can rush to buy the latest gaming release while simultaneously refusing to call themselves a gamer.

While this audience does exist, it is far from the majority of gamer types that were identified. Instead, we are introduced to a whole spectrum of players who, while united by the enjoyment and fun gaming offers, have different motivations and need states that gaming satisfies.

Gamers are multifaceted and oftentimes misunderstood. By establishing a deeper understanding of the different gamer personas that make up this global audience, marketers can better target and engage with these highly valuable consumers.

The result was six distinct gamer personas based on demographics, platforms used, motivations, attitudes, and psychographics.

Read about the Player One persona below. They are young, game wherever and whenever they can, and spend frequently and substantially on their love for gaming. This early adoption also extends to gaming hardware, with Player Ones more likely to have the latest and greatest gaming tech compared to most other gaming segments.

The only thing stopping them from gaming more often are major life events like getting an education, going to work, or having a family. Their passion for games is no secret to those who know them, and this gaming expertise is often tapped into by friends or family who are looking to purchase technology products and services themselves.

Their willingness to throw themselves into any gaming experience is likely explained by the confidence they feel when playing games. Game play grants them a valuable sense of freedom and empowers them with the capacity for exploration and self-expression.

Read about the Lifestylist persona below. While their gaming interests are broad when it comes to platforms and genres, their preferred games are predictably mainstream.

They invest time and money into the most popular elements of gaming culture. Gaming is a preferred hobby, and they prioritize it over other more traditional entertainment interests. This group is the least likely out of all the personas to be found watching TV more than once a week.

They would much rather spend their time going to movies, reading, creating art, or listening to podcasts. Some have been playing for decades, while others have ramped up their interest in games more recently. They devote extra time to learning about the gaming space and industry by reading gaming news, and they appreciate the skills of other players by watching gaming streams and competitive esports matches.

Read about the Next Leveler persona below. Gaming is their preferred space, one where they can freely express themselves, share and explore. Consoles and PCs are their preferred platforms. However, they supplement their device portfolio with mobile as well, dedicating more than an hour a day to small-screen gaming.

Almost all Next Levelers describe esports as the future of competitive entertainment. For these players, gaming is life. Read about the Dabbler persona below.

Their shifting interests over the years have led them to dedicate time to other activities like social media, cooking, and shopping—all of which this group does almost every week. They spend time learning and exploring video games independently several times a week, finding small ways to fit in gaming throughout the day.

Through this discovery and participation, they are building their own connection to the gaming community. Only a third feel confident in their gaming skills, and they are unlikely to look for in-game social connections or try playing with others. Mobile gaming is where they are most comfortable, but they are curious about other elements of gaming culture and are slowly building familiarity with all gaming has to offer across platforms and franchises.

Almost one-third of the population plays video games yet of this group, less than half actually identify as a gamer. Why is there this disconnect between the activity of playing games and self-identification? And how does this disconnect impact our understanding of who the gaming audience really is?

Read about the Denialist persona below. They love the competitive nature of games, enjoy playing with others, and engage with franchises from which global esports leagues have been built. This could be because their identity is built around other things—Denialists spend large parts of their week exercising, playing or watching sports, and keeping up with the latest news and current affairs online.

They appreciate the innovative world of gaming and the mental stimulation that action, shooter and sports game genres provide.

The gaming world has evolved. The technology that powers games has improved. The players have changed. But what about the way we think about gamers? It reveals that less than a third of gamers fit the stereotypical gamer mold.

When gamers are clustered by identity, motivations, and play styles, the result is six distinct gamer personas. Their motivations converge around the games they play and how they play them, rather than just their basic demographics.

Of the six gamer personas, only two resemble the stereotypical image of a gamer. Read about the Super Swiper persona below. They can be found enjoying Candy Crush or Words With Friends in their leisure time after work or on weekends. Their ideal time off is spent with loved ones, and their preferred activities are watching TV and cooking, which they do almost daily.

Four out of five Super Swipers bask in the sense of achievement from overcoming in-game obstacles. World-class competition, top tier tournaments, edge-of-your-seat excitement and passionate fans.

What were once the hallmarks of traditional sports leagues are now as readily associated with another form of competitive entertainment - esports.

The comparison between esports leagues, such as Call of Duty League and Overwatch League, and their real-world counterparts, such as the NFL and NBA, has been happening since esports first made its mark in the gaming world and has only increased as the buzz around esports has grown.

While many traditional sports competitions were placed on hold or canceled, esports leagues continued to deliver elite-level competition on a global stage thanks to the virtual world in which it inhabits.

This ability to operate in an online environment is one of esports key differentiators to traditional sports and helped it further establish its place in mainstream entertainment culture.

It provides an intersection for sport and entertainment with the power of a young, diverse, highly-engaged, and affluent audience.

In an increasingly virtual world, esports provides social connectivity and shared experience in a way that extends beyond a single match or league. When people are unable to interact face-to-face, they turn to video games and esports as a way to connect, interact, and escape.

Esports unites players, fans, and viewers, and gives us a glimpse into the future of digital entertainment and fan engagement. Esports was shown to be better at keeping viewer attention during sponsorship ads, resulting in higher performance on lower-funnel brand metrics, such as recommendation intent, when compared to traditional sports.

During sponsorship ads, the immersion measured as the attention and emotional response of the viewer was sustained for esports viewers in comparison to traditional sports audiences, where there was a decrease.

For marketers looking to capture and sustain the attention of viewers for better message transfer, this increase in immersion throughout the viewing experience is significant and underscores the intrinsic value of esports advertising. Passionate about the game and their favorite teams, esports fans recognize the role of advertising in growing the industry and the leagues, and view brands that support their favorite pastime positively.

This brand favorability as well as brand perception are both significantly higher for esports advertising than traditional sports.

Esports has emerged not simply as an alternative to sports sponsorships, but as a legitimate advertising media channel in its own right - one that can reach the most exclusive audiences in advertising and provide impact above and beyond traditional sports sponsorships.

The comparisons between esports and traditional sports may be easy to make, but when it comes to ad effectiveness, esports advertising stands on its own. Call of Duty, Crash Bandicoot, Diablo.

They also represent a new era in mobile gaming, one where the top video game titles look just as home on your phone as they do on your gaming console. But mobile games have come a long way. The launch of several iconic gaming franchises and triple-A games on mobile has seen the mobile emerge as a legitimate gaming platform in its own right, one which is home to captivating worlds, epic battles, and legendary storytelling.

With mobile gaming, people have a gaming console in their pockets and can play without the investment into additional gaming tech and hardware. From that viewpoint, the evolution of these much-loved gaming franchises to mobile makes sense - it offers a way to further engage with fans while offering a low barrier to entry and greater accessibility.

The answer is two-fold. Aspectos destacados: Chatbot impulsado por IA, automatización, colaboración, análisis de informes. Como plataforma de gestión del aprendizaje y software de formación de gamificación, Tovuti LMS le ayuda a racionalizar su sistema de formación de los empleados.

Con su suite de creación de cursos integrada, puede diseñar, editar, programar y desplegar cursos interactivos sin problemas. También puede incluir tablas de clasificación y otros elementos de gamificación para animar a los alumnos a completar las tareas de aprendizaje asignadas.

Para una opción de aprendizaje más sincrónica, la plataforma de aula virtual en vivo de Tovuti LMS permite a los empleados discutir conceptos de formación en grupo o tener interacciones individuales en tiempo real a través de herramientas de videoconferencia en línea de terceros como Zoom y GoToMeeting.

Los alumnos también tienen acceso a un portal personalizado que muestra sus insignias, certificados, rango en la tabla de clasificación, listas de control, cursos asignados y próximas sesiones de formación. Características principales: Herramienta de creación de cursos, tablas de clasificación, aula virtual, portal personalizado del alumno.

Gametize es una solución de software de formación de gamificación y LMS de nivel empresarial que permite a las organizaciones mejorar las experiencias de formación de sus empleados, ya sea que estén pasando por programas de incorporación o de perfeccionamiento.

Con esta herramienta, puede diseñar fácilmente su propio contenido gamificado eligiendo entre una amplia biblioteca de plantillas de juegos, que se dividen en categorías de proyectos como el compromiso de los empleados, el aprendizaje y el desarrollo, la adquisición de talento, y muchos más.

También puede aumentar la participación en la formación y las tasas de finalización utilizando tarjetas de memoria, cuestionarios y desafíos interactivos. Al igual que otros programas de gamificación, Gametize utiliza tablas de clasificación, insignias y recompensas para impulsar la motivación y fomentar la competencia sana dentro de los equipos.

Otras ventajas de esta herramienta son el seguimiento y el análisis de los resultados, la moderación de los jugadores y la colaboración en equipo. Coste: A partir de dólares al mes.

Características principales: Biblioteca de plantillas de juegos, tablas de clasificación, insignias, recompensas, seguimiento de resultados. Con Edgagement puede crear contenido de microaprendizaje gamificado, cuestionarios y encuestas a través de una sencilla herramienta de autoría de arrastrar y soltar.

Incluso con poco o ningún conocimiento de diseño gráfico, puede crear fácilmente materiales de formación interactivos con la ayuda de más de 15 plantillas de juegos como girar para ganar, realidad o ficción, doble partido, conectar los puntos, jumble pic, y muchos más.

Fomente la competencia amistosa entre sus trabajadores y motívelos a completar su formación a través de la tabla de clasificación y las funciones de recompensa de la plataforma. El centro de datos de Edgagement le proporciona informes completos sobre la participación en el juego, las tasas de finalización y las ganancias de conocimiento para que pueda evaluar el rendimiento general, abordar las lagunas de conocimiento y optimizar su contenido de formación para obtener mejores resultados en el futuro.

Aspectos destacados: Herramienta de autoría de arrastrar y soltar, cuestionarios y encuestas gamificadas, contenido de micromomentos, tablas de clasificación, centro de datos. Principalmente un creador de cuestionarios en línea , ¡Kahoot!

utiliza elementos de apps para gamificación visualmente atractivos para maximizar el compromiso y garantizar mayores tasas de finalización entre los alumnos.

También puede establecer los kahoots como un reto a su propio ritmo que debe ser completado por cada miembro del equipo de forma asíncrona.

proporciona a los formadores informes y análisis para que se puedan abordar las lagunas de conocimiento y se pueda proporcionar retroalimentación. Con el nivel gratuito, tendrás un límite de sólo 10 miembros del equipo.

Pero si quieres aumentar el número de participantes en tus cuestionarios, puedes invertir en sus planes de pago, que parten de 17 dólares al mes. Costo: Gratuito, los planes de pago comienzan en 7 USD por mes. Características principales: Cuestionarios gamificados, kahoots en vivo, kahoots asíncronos, múltiples plantillas de juegos.

Hoopla es un software de formación de gamificación y una solución de compromiso diseñada para motivar a los equipos de ventas para aumentar el rendimiento a través de concursos, tablas de clasificación y reconocimiento en tiempo real.

Permite identificar los objetivos de ventas y crear concursos de tipo torneo o carrera para una sana competencia entre los empleados e impulsar la productividad general del equipo.

Los miembros del equipo también pueden hacer un seguimiento de su rendimiento individual a través del sistema de tablas de clasificación integrado en la herramienta.

Con la función Newsflash, puede entregar el reconocimiento al instante sin necesidad de intervención manual. Marketing Ofrece una innovadora búsqueda del tesoro digital La experiencia de la búsqueda del tesoro tuvo mucho éxito entre nuestros empleados.

Marketing Combate el abandono escolar temprano Hacer que sea divertido marca la diferencia. Cree y comparta ¡Una interfaz sencilla que ya sabe utilizar! Cree en solo unos minutos. Resultados inmediatos Monitorice sus resultados en tiempo real y desde las primeras interacciones.

Analice sus estadísticas. Exporte todos los datos. Fácil integración. Conceptos de juegos populares. Juego de calidad.

Tecnología HTML5. Multiplataforma móvil y PC. Creación de marca y marcas compartidas. Alojamiento CDN superrápido. Marca blanca. La oferta más competitiva del mercado. Entregado en unos minutos. Paquete Estrategia Su servicio de planificación estratégica Trace su ruta hacia la interacción de la audiencia proporcionando un puesto en el control de la misión a la experiencia del Paquete Asistencia Sus socios en gamificación Trabaje codo con codo con el DrimTeam para una mayor tranquilidad, desde la creación del juego hasta el lanzamiento de su Paquete Creación Su servicio de creación integral Si desea una solución de gamificación llave en mano compilada y optimizada por expertos, el Paquete de Creación es la elección Paquete Innovación Su servicio personalizado para demandas únicas Para proyectos ambiciosos y pioneros, el Paquete de Innovación es todo lo que necesitas.

Si estás buscando algo Consiga su presupuesto gratis. EN FR DE ES PT IT © Drimify Hecho por Drimlike Acerca de Legal Contacto Acceder Suscríbase Centro de ayuda.

El contenido interactivo incluye juegos, cuestionarios, presentaciones de diapositivas, imágenes interactivas, líneas de tiempo, y muchos más. Pruébelo gratis Proveen una interacción creativa con el consumidor. · Facilitan la logística y la premiación instantánea. · Registros de participación y de entrega de premios Hazte Premium para obtener OC Cash más rápido, recibir recompensas mensuales, participar en sorteos exclusivos, e incluso participar en las nuevas Liga OC Ligas


TIK TOK INTERACTIVE GAMES COMO USAR KEEP MY LIVE TUTORIAL EN ESPAÑOL 2023 Game Gamng grants them a valuable sense of freedom and Líena them Gaminf the capacity for exploration and Recompenxas. Inteligencia emocional. Miller: Ignite the Garantía de recompensas en efectivo. The unique pairing of brands with our games and the strong fandom they enjoy creates a halo effect that can be leveraged by brands for greater affinity and purchase likelihood. Millennials enjoy the strong sense of nostalgia associated with a pastime they first experienced in their youth. Anterior Enviar. Escenario de bifurcación ii.

Recompensas Interactivas Gaming en Línea - Missing El contenido interactivo incluye juegos, cuestionarios, presentaciones de diapositivas, imágenes interactivas, líneas de tiempo, y muchos más. Pruébelo gratis Proveen una interacción creativa con el consumidor. · Facilitan la logística y la premiación instantánea. · Registros de participación y de entrega de premios Hazte Premium para obtener OC Cash más rápido, recibir recompensas mensuales, participar en sorteos exclusivos, e incluso participar en las nuevas Liga OC Ligas

It's a powerful statistic that firmly challenges the misconception that the gaming audience is predominantly male. And by knowing more about how and why they interact with gaming, brands will be better positioned to connect with them authentically and effectively.

Almost 7 in 10 female gamers play over five times a week, establishing gaming as a core part of their weekly entertainment routine.

Gaming isn't just a hobby for female gamers - it's a passion. It's a way to connect with friends, relieve stress, and escape from the everyday grind. While the most common time of day for gaming is during the evening between PM, gaming is a popular activity throughout the day. Regarding media-based leisure activities, gaming is one of the top pastimes among female players at any point during the day—typically alongside watching TV or browsing social media.

Gaming has become the most popular activity during the afternoon PM on weekdays and during midday 10am-2pm on weekends among this audience.

Around 9 in 10 female gamers are multi-screeners, with a tendency to use multiple devices simultaneously. Gaming is a core part of their media consumption behaviors, even being enjoyed in tandem with other forms of entertainment.

It's also what female gamers turn to when looking for a leaned-in, engaging experience alongside more passive viewing experiences. One in four female gamers watch esports content on a monthly or more frequent basis, demonstrating that female gamers' passion extends beyond just the in-game experience.

Esports provides female gamers another outlet to enjoy and engage with gaming and provides brands another platform to reach this audience. Their motivations and behaviors are unique, but their passion for gaming, whether playing or watching, is evident. Gaming is a core part of their weekly and daily routine, with female gamers always looking for opportunities to game even as they engage with other forms of media.

By understanding the distinctive needs and interests of female gamers, brands will be better placed to reach them when they are most engaged in a way that is authentic to the gaming experience. In a world where consumers are increasingly turning to their phones, tablets, and computers for entertainment, marketers are continuously looking for ways to capture their target audience's share of attention with effective and engaging advertising techniques.

But introducing ad campaigns to players by interrupting or, in some instances, preventing them from continuing to access the entertainment they're engaged in can make even the most relevant ads a one-way ticket to being remembered for all the wrong reasons.

Enter playable in-app ads. When a player is deep in the flow of play, they're happy, relaxed, and focused entirely on the task at hand.

Rather than pulling them away from that flow state to explain the relevance of an offering quickly, brands can now join players within the flow state. And as most gamers can attest to, shared positive gaming experiences are a great thing to look back on and an even easier way for a brand to be remembered for all the right reasons.

Playable ads provide a strong way for brands to tell their story in a way that both excites and encourages consumers to take action.

It catches them when they are most leaned in, and most importantly, it keeps the fun going by creating a one-to-one experience that can be just as educational as it is entertaining.

traditional ad campaigns can be custom designed to achieve specific marketing goals. For example, if a food brand wants to introduce players to a new tasty treat, they can create a mini-game where their ingredients become interactive elements for the player to combine.

Or, if a cleaning product company wanted to demonstrate how easily their product makes cleaning up messes, they can create a gamified experience that does just that.

In order to remain top-of-mind, brands must find new ways to tell their story in a way that is both exciting and informative. Interactive advertising allows for greater control over the narrative, allowing brands to hone in on their key messages, and interactive campaigns allow a brand's story to be told on their terms.

The custom-gamified nature of interactive advertising allows brands to play up their unique strengths and create truly unforgettable experiences for audiences.

com to learn more. Ad recall impact was highly effective, resulting in strong double-digit growth. Additionally, the Interactive End Card included a clear call to action, encouraging users to visit the Tesco website. Moreover, a sound-off, friendly strategy with on-screen callouts ensured that key messaging was visually communicated to users who may have had their audio off.

As a result, the campaign delivered across all measured brand metrics. Ad recall saw a strong double-digit lift. The creative utilized prominent branding and a strong Call to Action. Consequently, the campaign considerably exceeded industry norms across both viewability and video completion rates.

The strong lift in brand awareness was particularly notable considering the higher baseline for this metric. Some might think of people who spend hours playing World of Warcraft or Call of Duty online.

Others might think about people who choose to explore strange new worlds virtually instead of choosing to traverse the great outdoors. And while people of all ages can fall into one or more of these categories, there is so much more to people who play video games than a simple definition implies.

How gamers treat the games they love is how they often treat their real lives — with a level of dedication, passion, and a sense of community. From casual gamers to professional gamers alike, they want to feel like they're a part of the game, a part of the story, a part of the saga.

Breaking this immersion through interruptions in the gameplay experience can impact the enjoyment and escapism that gaming provides. For brands, it's crucial that they understand the gaming audience and the gaming experience so that they can complement it rather than disrupt it.

It requires an empathetic and authentic connection for both gamers and brands to benefit, to learn what gamers want and need from their preferred products and services and how they complement the dual nature of the average gamer's life.

And to do it organically in a way that feels natural and respectful of their time and attention. They also love sharing their experiences with others, whether streaming their gameplay online or chatting with friends about their latest exploits in online games. This passion for gaming helps to create a strong sense of belonging across gaming communities worldwide, which can be beneficial in many ways.

This sense of camaraderie can also lead to lasting friendships, as well as opportunities to collaborate on creative projects. When gamers are not playing games, they're likely talking about games, reading about games, or watching videos of games.

Gamers love to share their interest in gaming with others through online forums, social media, or in-person events. Gamers work hard to improve their skills and are constantly pushed to their limits.

The sense of accomplishment that comes from finally defeating a demanding boss or completing a complex puzzle is unparalleled. For many gamers, this everlasting sense of adventure isn't just a hobby; it's a way of life. They represent a unique audience group with their own behavior and expectations.

For brands and marketers, the key to activating effectively in gaming is to better understand the gaming audience — what motivates them, engages them, and excites them.

It's no secret that advertising is evolving. They want to ensure that their ads are being seen by the right people, in the right places, and at the right times.

Fortunately, the in-game advertising market has emerged as a potential solution to this problem. It can appear in static or animated billboards, product placements, or even interstitial video ads featured between bouts of active gameplay.

The ultimate goal of in-game advertising is to reach gamers who are actively engaged in playing a game in a way that is non-intrusive and does not interfere with the game environment.

In-game advertising can also be featured on gaming consoles and in PC games, though it is less common due to the longer play sessions and a greater variety of gameplay experiences.

Others may include interactive elements such as minigames or quizzes. In fact, only one-third of respondents from the study claimed to pay attention to TV ads. And with competing activities happening while audiences are watching TV, including gaming, social media, and texting, it's clear that consumers will happily transfer their attention elsewhere to proactively avoid advertising.

Younger audiences are more likely to opt for premium, ad-free experiences, which enforces the notion that they are typically harder to reach through traditional forms of media. Not all games are created equal when it comes to in-game advertising.

For example, if a brand is trying to reach a young male audience, a mobile sports game or shooter like Call of Duty: Mobile might be an ideal choice.

On the other hand, if an advertiser is targeting a more general audience, then free-to-play games like puzzle or strategy games such as Candy Crush may be a better option.

Mobile games are typically played on smaller screens with shorter attention spans, so it's important to make sure that ad creative is designed specifically for this type of platform. This may mean developing custom ad units that match the look and feel of the game or using short video ad formats that are easy to digest.

In-game ads should not disrupt the gameplay experience nor interfere with the user's ability to progress through the game. Players are more likely to engage with in-game ads if they provide a tangible or actionable reward, such as discounts on in-game items or exclusive content that gamers can only access by watching the ad.

When creating an in-game ad campaign, it's essential to consider who the intended audience is. What kind of mobile games do they like to play? What do they respond to in advertising?

By understanding the target audience, brands can create ads that are more likely to resonate with the gaming community. With its ability to be interactive and flexible, in-game advertising allows marketers to reach their audiences where they are most engaged and active.

In addition, as audiences continue to consume multiple sources of entertainment simultaneously, it is increasingly important for advertisers to ensure their ads are relevant to the native experience and their target audience.

It's no secret that gaming is huge. But what kind of people are playing games? What motivates them? And what can brands do to reach this audience? But understanding how these players think is the best place to start. They often have a genuine love and interest for gaming and spend time learning about the game world.

And while their interests might shift over time, leading them to focus on other things like social media, cooking, or shopping, Dabblers always find small ways to fit casual games into their lives. They make up one in every ten gamers and tend to be highly engaged with gaming culture.

They subscribe to gaming subscription services, use multiple platforms, and play a variety of video games. However, as they age, they tend to spend time focused on other aspects of their identity e.

But in the end, their appreciation of the innovative nature and mental stimulation in gaming keeps the hobby a consistent pillar in their lives. While their gaming interests are broad when it comes to platforms and genres, their preferred games tend to be amongst the most popular games.

They invest time and money into the most popular elements of gaming culture, and the originality, visual graphics, and mental stimulation gaming provide are all highly appealing to them.

However, outside of gaming, they are least likely to be found watching TV more than once a week. They would much rather spend their time going to the movies, reading, creating art, or listening to podcasts.

They are young, game whenever and wherever they can, and spend frequently and spend big on their love for gaming. Yet, Player Ones only represent one in four gamers. This behavior also extends to gaming hardware, with Player Ones more likely to have the latest and greatest gaming tech compared to most other gaming segments and are often tapped by friends and family for their advice on all things tech.

Gaming is their preferred space and one where they can freely express themselves, share and explore. It is their most valued past-time and a daily personal passion. Like Player Ones, they know everything about the gaming world.

Ask them about a video game character or about the lore of a gaming franchise and the full depth of their gaming knowledge is revealed. But having the latest console, graphics card, or game isn't enough. They want to be the best at what they do.

That's why they're always on the lookout for new ways to improve their skills. Only then can they create holistic gaming strategies that take into account the ever-changing landscape of the gaming world. The online-based study surveyed 21, gamers split across the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany.

It has helped consumers contextualize emerging products, from computers to mobile devices, while also introducing new ways for people to engage with and consume entertainment.

Now audiences are enjoying entertainment throughout the day, often across multiple devices at a time, with the second screen now acting as the primary focal point. It charts both gamers' and non-gamers' entertainment habits to understand how these routines have evolved, from time of day engagement, generational influences, second screening, and ad avoidance.

All respondents used at least one of the following mediums: gaming, streaming tv, live tv, and esports. This study was fielded for a week in December We also partnered with Michelle Madansky Consulting to interview 12 gamers for minutes, including 17 gamers located in the US and UK, about a day in the life of their media consumption.

Restaurants, shopping, travel, generally everything that requires some degree of social interaction may be impacted by the norms and precautions of the pandemic for years to come.

Even our daily routines, such as how we consume media, have not been immune to an ongoing influence from this period. Notably, streaming and gaming both found a larger presence in the media diets of consumers. In the following months, anecdotal takes and limited evidence found corroboration from a variety of sources.

While the general narrative around gaming and the pandemic was increased engagement, there were some concerns that mobile might drop off as parts of life where mobile gaming is common like commuting were no longer regular occurrences.

Research firm Forrester predicts that heavy online video consumption via streaming services will continue on past the pandemic, potentially to the point of making visits to the cinema a relatively niche activity.

The same may be true for streaming viewing, inclusive of layering this viewing with gaming. Human behaviors, as a rule, tend to shift slowly - but what may have been a curiosity or reinvestment at the onset of the pandemic has likely become a habit some two years later.

Like so much of our day-to-day lives, the pandemic has irrevocably altered our relationship with media. The prevailing evidence points towards a relationship where gaming is featured even more prominently than before, and in dialogue with shifting expectations around main-stay media consumption such as TV.

What was a novelty at the onset of the pandemic may now be a norm, and whatever trajectory gaming was on en route to being a dominant part of the consumer media ecosystem may have been irrevocably fast-tracked. With the rise of gaming more generally, we will inevitably find new ways in which gaming is weaved into other forms of media consumption, be it via a new form of second screening or otherwise.

Marketers would be well advised to understand and adapt to the new media landscape which may well extend beyond the confines of this unusual and challenging period, and in doing so evolve old strategies to emerging media frontiers.

In as the world changed, so too did our entertainment habits. Looking for ways to find social connection, joy and purpose in a world without physicality, people increasingly turned to video games and esports. But far from being a new phenomenon, gaming has been steadily on the rise for years.

And what will be the impact of these changed behaviors and emotional connections long term? Discover what entertainment and gaming habits will look like in a post-pandemic world. They are the first generation to grow up with gaming in its proliferation, creating a lasting emotional connection that has seen them dedicate more time and money to gaming today than any other generation.

While both Generation Z and Millennials lead the pack when it comes to their engagement, enjoyment, and consumption of gaming, Millennials find themselves being pulled back to the games they grew up with, investing more into the games that speak to their deeper motivations.

It is this unique combination of passion, dedication, and investment in gaming that sets Millennials apart from not only Gen Z but all other gaming generations. Like many adults, time is my most scarce and sacred commodity. And you should too, as this signals several important implications in the gaming and marketing landscape.

Early arcade games were made notoriously difficult because having a player lose was profitable - another quarter for another chance. Have you ever seen Super Mario Brothers played end to end?

The center of gravity for gaming moved from the arcade to the living room, and now increasingly to the phone. Through this transition, the technical limitations of the past are less relevant. Sure, there are some games where the difficulty is the point of the game Roguelikes, Souls games, etc.

This bigger and more differentiated audiences - virtually any consumer can be reached in gaming. Understanding the context of a given entertainment environment, and the need state through which a consumer approaches it leads to powerful and effective marketing tactics.

A better understanding of the gaming ecosystem can lead to outsized results for brands. These are sophisticated, multi-billion dollar entertainment experiences occasionally on par or better than the likes of TV or movies.

Gaming should not be thought of as a simplistic and niche category, but a massive entertainment platform befitting premium brands and sophisticated marketing activations.

In this way, brands give back the most valuable commodity possible to consumers time and can be a hero.

I can personally vouch for the time and sanity savings one may reap from a well-implemented Easy Mode. In , the first Millennials will turn The last generation to grow up in a pre-internet world, Millennials witnessed the emergence of smartphones, social media, and one-click shopping.

They are intimately familiar and comfortable with digital technology, while also remembering a world without it. For Millennials, this meant they grew up playing classic video game titles, with gaming forming a key part of their childhood and identity.

As such, Millennials have spent more of their lives playing video games than any other generation to date. Their relationship with gaming, and indeed gaming itself, has evolved as they have, staying with them throughout the digital transformation that has largely defined the generation.

And for Millennials, this high engagement has continued well into adulthood. Millennials enjoy the strong sense of nostalgia associated with a pastime they first experienced in their youth. The relaunch of classic gaming titles such as Tony Hawk and Crash Bandicoot in recent years points to this trend.

Not only do Millennials have an emotional connection to these games, stories, and characters, but they are also more loyal to the franchises they grew up playing. At a time when so many of us are looking for forms of comfort and reassurance amidst uncertainty in an ever-changing world, gaming provides Millennials with exactly that.

It gives millennials a sense of purpose, joy, and connection, with a nod to the familiarity of their youth. From their first introduction to gaming in their youth to the strong pull of nostalgia into adulthood, Millennials are one of the most engaged gaming generations. It is this connection to gaming, coupled with the purchasing power of a high disposable income, that makes Millennial gamers one of the most valuable audience groups for brands.

The online-based study surveyed 21, gamers across the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. Millennials are classified as those born between and Generation X are classified as those born between and At the heart of any great game experience is its fans.

And this holds true across platform, genre and game type, from professional esports competitions to mobile match-3 games. For brands and marketers wanting to activate in the gaming space, the first step is understanding the audience - what motivates them, what engages them and their emotional need states.

Always wanted to win a trophy at Cannes? Teams of 3 will go head-to-head with the action kicking off on June Registration is open to all not just Cannes Lions attendees and closes on June Be sure to check out the Activision Blizzard Media content hub for the latest gamer research and insights.

Making up a significant proportion of the gaming audience are gamer parents - moms and dads who love video games and esports.

Whether gaming provides them with a moment to themselves, or is a shared experience they enjoy playing and watching with their family, gamer moms and dads show high engagement with gaming across all types of gaming platforms. Learn more about how gamer parents, many of whom grew up gaming, are changing the game when it comes to gaming audiences.

The campaign was a unique approach from an enterprise software company, featuring creative elements that focused on human feelings and raw emotions e. By partnering with King Games, SAP was able to provide real value during key moments that helped players further their gameplay.

The natively integrated video ads reached a highly engaged and viewable audience while delivering on all ad effectiveness measures. Through a brand lift study, BT was able to test the effectiveness of its video ad in a premium and fully opt-in environment.

Through eye-catching rewarded videos that featured clear branding, the campaign helped BT drive brand exposure. By featuring ad creative with clear branding elements and utilizing a sound-off strategy, Mini Babybel Bio was able to drive brand impact.

The campaign resulted in high viewability and video completion rates, outperforming industry standards. By providing King gamers with real value that helped further their gameplay, HelloFresh was able to elicit positive brand associations with players. Ad exposure also drove a double-digit impact in ad recall.

By leveraging an ad effectiveness study, Kimberly Clark was able to test the efficacy of opt-in video ads among leaned-in players within a highly premium environment. The vertically-oriented videos, optimised for mobile ad platforms, featured on-screen text with key messaging takeaways. Thematic consistency between creatives reinforced branding presence and recognition.

As a result, the campaign saw great success in boosting impact for the toilet tissue brand. Consequently, the Andrex® campaign outperformed industry norms on viewability and video completion rates.

The strongest impact was seen in a double-digit lift for ad recall. By leveraging a brand lift study, N26 was able to test the efficacy of its video creative in a premium, brand safe, choice-based environment.

By partnering with King Games, N26 was able to provide real value during key moments that helped players further their game progress. As a result, the campaign considerably exceeded industry norms across both viewability and video completion rates. The rewarded video ad also resulted in double-digit lift for ad recall.

The Match 3 end card experience emulated the gameplay of Candy Crush and created a seamless brand integration for Pringles, all while providing desirable rewards to players and helping further their game progress.

The Agency Showdown brought together 32 teams from our agency partners in a head-to-head in a virtual Call of Duty: Mobile esports tournament. Missed any of the action? Catch up on the best plays and epic hits.

While engagement with video games increased during , gaming itself is far from a new phenomenon. For most people, this increased engagement with video games signified a return to gaming, or an opportunity to reconnect with a pastime they had previously enjoyed but lacked the time to spend with it.

This research aims to better understand what these behaviors and emotional connections will mean long-term for audiences and brands alike, providing insight into entertainment and gaming usage in a post-pandemic world.

What makes a gamer a gamer? The platforms they play on? Their motivations for playing? Swept up in a cloud of stereotypes and out-of-date cliches, the true depth and diversity of this audience is not often realized.

Less than half said yes. The advancement in technology means it has never been easier to play - smartphones allow us to have a gaming console in our pocket while online gaming has never been more accessible.

Gamers are portrayed as either mobile or console players, casual or hardcore, first-person shooter or puzzle gamers.

But this approach means gamers are often portrayed as one-dimensional, fitting neatly into pre-conceived notions and stereotypes. They can quietly revel in the sense of achievement gaming offers, while also enjoying the social connection that comes from playing with friends.

And they can rush to buy the latest gaming release while simultaneously refusing to call themselves a gamer. While this audience does exist, it is far from the majority of gamer types that were identified.

Instead, we are introduced to a whole spectrum of players who, while united by the enjoyment and fun gaming offers, have different motivations and need states that gaming satisfies.

Gamers are multifaceted and oftentimes misunderstood. By establishing a deeper understanding of the different gamer personas that make up this global audience, marketers can better target and engage with these highly valuable consumers.

The result was six distinct gamer personas based on demographics, platforms used, motivations, attitudes, and psychographics. Read about the Player One persona below. They are young, game wherever and whenever they can, and spend frequently and substantially on their love for gaming.

This early adoption also extends to gaming hardware, with Player Ones more likely to have the latest and greatest gaming tech compared to most other gaming segments. The only thing stopping them from gaming more often are major life events like getting an education, going to work, or having a family.

Their passion for games is no secret to those who know them, and this gaming expertise is often tapped into by friends or family who are looking to purchase technology products and services themselves.

Their willingness to throw themselves into any gaming experience is likely explained by the confidence they feel when playing games. Game play grants them a valuable sense of freedom and empowers them with the capacity for exploration and self-expression.

Read about the Lifestylist persona below. While their gaming interests are broad when it comes to platforms and genres, their preferred games are predictably mainstream. They invest time and money into the most popular elements of gaming culture. Gaming is a preferred hobby, and they prioritize it over other more traditional entertainment interests.

This group is the least likely out of all the personas to be found watching TV more than once a week. They would much rather spend their time going to movies, reading, creating art, or listening to podcasts.

Some have been playing for decades, while others have ramped up their interest in games more recently. They devote extra time to learning about the gaming space and industry by reading gaming news, and they appreciate the skills of other players by watching gaming streams and competitive esports matches.

Read about the Next Leveler persona below. Gaming is their preferred space, one where they can freely express themselves, share and explore. Consoles and PCs are their preferred platforms. However, they supplement their device portfolio with mobile as well, dedicating more than an hour a day to small-screen gaming.

Almost all Next Levelers describe esports as the future of competitive entertainment. For these players, gaming is life. Read about the Dabbler persona below.

Their shifting interests over the years have led them to dedicate time to other activities like social media, cooking, and shopping—all of which this group does almost every week. They spend time learning and exploring video games independently several times a week, finding small ways to fit in gaming throughout the day.

Through this discovery and participation, they are building their own connection to the gaming community. Only a third feel confident in their gaming skills, and they are unlikely to look for in-game social connections or try playing with others. Mobile gaming is where they are most comfortable, but they are curious about other elements of gaming culture and are slowly building familiarity with all gaming has to offer across platforms and franchises.

Almost one-third of the population plays video games yet of this group, less than half actually identify as a gamer. Why is there this disconnect between the activity of playing games and self-identification? And how does this disconnect impact our understanding of who the gaming audience really is?

Read about the Denialist persona below. They love the competitive nature of games, enjoy playing with others, and engage with franchises from which global esports leagues have been built.

This could be because their identity is built around other things—Denialists spend large parts of their week exercising, playing or watching sports, and keeping up with the latest news and current affairs online. They appreciate the innovative world of gaming and the mental stimulation that action, shooter and sports game genres provide.

The gaming world has evolved. The technology that powers games has improved. The players have changed. But what about the way we think about gamers? It reveals that less than a third of gamers fit the stereotypical gamer mold.

When gamers are clustered by identity, motivations, and play styles, the result is six distinct gamer personas. Their motivations converge around the games they play and how they play them, rather than just their basic demographics.

Of the six gamer personas, only two resemble the stereotypical image of a gamer. Read about the Super Swiper persona below. They can be found enjoying Candy Crush or Words With Friends in their leisure time after work or on weekends.

Their ideal time off is spent with loved ones, and their preferred activities are watching TV and cooking, which they do almost daily. Four out of five Super Swipers bask in the sense of achievement from overcoming in-game obstacles. World-class competition, top tier tournaments, edge-of-your-seat excitement and passionate fans.

What were once the hallmarks of traditional sports leagues are now as readily associated with another form of competitive entertainment - esports.

The comparison between esports leagues, such as Call of Duty League and Overwatch League, and their real-world counterparts, such as the NFL and NBA, has been happening since esports first made its mark in the gaming world and has only increased as the buzz around esports has grown.

While many traditional sports competitions were placed on hold or canceled, esports leagues continued to deliver elite-level competition on a global stage thanks to the virtual world in which it inhabits. This ability to operate in an online environment is one of esports key differentiators to traditional sports and helped it further establish its place in mainstream entertainment culture.

It provides an intersection for sport and entertainment with the power of a young, diverse, highly-engaged, and affluent audience. In an increasingly virtual world, esports provides social connectivity and shared experience in a way that extends beyond a single match or league.

When people are unable to interact face-to-face, they turn to video games and esports as a way to connect, interact, and escape. Esports unites players, fans, and viewers, and gives us a glimpse into the future of digital entertainment and fan engagement.

Esports was shown to be better at keeping viewer attention during sponsorship ads, resulting in higher performance on lower-funnel brand metrics, such as recommendation intent, when compared to traditional sports. During sponsorship ads, the immersion measured as the attention and emotional response of the viewer was sustained for esports viewers in comparison to traditional sports audiences, where there was a decrease.

For marketers looking to capture and sustain the attention of viewers for better message transfer, this increase in immersion throughout the viewing experience is significant and underscores the intrinsic value of esports advertising.

Passionate about the game and their favorite teams, esports fans recognize the role of advertising in growing the industry and the leagues, and view brands that support their favorite pastime positively.

This brand favorability as well as brand perception are both significantly higher for esports advertising than traditional sports. Esports has emerged not simply as an alternative to sports sponsorships, but as a legitimate advertising media channel in its own right - one that can reach the most exclusive audiences in advertising and provide impact above and beyond traditional sports sponsorships.

The comparisons between esports and traditional sports may be easy to make, but when it comes to ad effectiveness, esports advertising stands on its own. Call of Duty, Crash Bandicoot, Diablo. They also represent a new era in mobile gaming, one where the top video game titles look just as home on your phone as they do on your gaming console.

But mobile games have come a long way. The launch of several iconic gaming franchises and triple-A games on mobile has seen the mobile emerge as a legitimate gaming platform in its own right, one which is home to captivating worlds, epic battles, and legendary storytelling.

With mobile gaming, people have a gaming console in their pockets and can play without the investment into additional gaming tech and hardware. From that viewpoint, the evolution of these much-loved gaming franchises to mobile makes sense - it offers a way to further engage with fans while offering a low barrier to entry and greater accessibility.

The answer is two-fold. Firstly, better technology has meant better gameplay. Moves that were once only possible on a console with a specifically-designed controller and optimal processing power can now take place on mobile.

At a time when people are looking for ways to connect and engage, mobile gaming presents an easy way to do just that. For many players, the time is right to be introduced to the franchises, characters, and storylines that are loved so much on console and PC.

Mobile also makes it easier for those wanting to re-engage with franchises they may have played years earlier on console, bringing those players a sense of nostalgia and familiarity. In short, mobile allows these iconic games to deliver joy, connection, and purpose to even more players and fans.

The shift of these well-known titles to mobile gaming however changes all of that. Their fans are passionate, enthusiastic, and most importantly, highly-engaged. Brands have the opportunity to reach these fans when they are already enjoying and engaging with the games they love.

As more iconic gaming titles and franchises make the shift to mobile, the opportunities for brands to tap into the high-valuable gamer audience continue to grow. When Activision Blizzard Media was looking for a way to engage with the advertising industry through a fun and engaging virtual event, it was no surprise that so many of our agency partners and friends answered the call.

Or more specifically, the Call of Duty. The hits were big, the gameplay was strategic, but it was the dedication to the cause that was the biggest highlight of the tournament. What will this look like in ? Gaming was an increasingly important outlet for entertainment in , particularly as entertainment-hungry consumers spent more time than usual at home, and the new console releases helped to cement gaming's place in the living room.

Have you even considered what colorspace your HDMI cord can handle? And while mobile gaming consistently puts up impressive numbers for revenue, engagement, users, etc.

The net result is that gaming, and mobile gaming in particular in this case, will almost certainly have increasingly diverse and numerous niches for virtually every consumer in Love it or annoyed by it, Farmville was an ever-present force in the early days of Facebook. Of course, we know better now - the strategies employed to draw folks into these games became so burdensome and disruptive that platforms like Facebook all but completely cut off deep integrations between social games and their social network.

Many such games survived, but not nearly in the monolithic presence they had enjoyed before Farmville had 30m users playing daily at its peak. Rather, gaming is becoming an even more important means to connect and interact with friends and family in a meaningful way when physical contact is all but impossible.

Online and social MMORPG king World of Warcraft released its latest expansion which quickly became the biggest launch day for any PC game ever. Ultra-cute village sim Animal Crossing: New Horizons sold What we are seeing here is not a seismic shift, so much as a wave of larger numbers of consumers than ever capitalizing on one of the greatest superpowers of gaming: socialization without physicality.

Given that will still very much be defined by the circumstances of a global pandemic, this wave will continue on in full strength throughout the year. Despite starry-eyed speculation around gaming increasingly going VR, we will not be seeing a dramatic surge in these platforms in The reason is that virtual reality is in its own uncanny valley - the aversion, in this case, is not a robot posturing to be human that is pretty realistic but not quite human enough to be uncreepy in the process , but rather a game experience that is all-encompassing, but not quite unobtrusive and high quality enough to be deeply immersive.

While mega-hit franchises like Half Life making their VR debut with Alyx this past year popped usership, we are still a ways away from mainstream adoption in Though technology is getting very close to cresting the proverbial hill of this valley, marketers are better served focusing on the fundamentals of more ubiquitous platforms than VR for a far greater return on time and investment at this stage in the game.

The opportunity present within is to get off the sidelines and into the game, as the experiences for consumers have never been better nor have the touchpoints for marketers been more numerous.

Se puede jugar online o en los smartphone Android. Recopilación de juegos interactivos multijugador para aprender jugando online con otros compañeros. Incluye una gran cantidad de juegos interactivos para practicar el cálculo mental o aprender inglés.

También permite jugar con niños de otros colegios. Una multi herramienta con diversos contenidos pensados para gamificar el aula. Permite crear presentaciones, infografías , pósteres, catálogos e imágenes de forma sencilla e intuitiva. Somos el medio de comunicación líder en innovación educativa, nuevas tecnologías y metodologías, innovación docente, formación y recursos para profesores.

Gramática, vocabulario, verbos… Estas 30 webs son el apoyo ideal para tus clases de inglés. Bibliotecas online que ofrecen acceso a libros gratuitos. Utiliza estos recursos y trabaja las conjunciones en clase. Recursos para repasar el abecedario. Videocuentos infantiles para educar en inteligencia emocional.

Tu dirección de correo electrónico no será publicada. No esperaba tantas herramienta muy interesantes para poder adaptarlas y hacer las clases mas dinámicas viendo cual me den mejores resultados. No esperaba tantas herramientas disponible, para hacer las clases dinámicas, divertidas y a la vez mas atractiva para los alumnos.

Todas estas herramientas son muy interesantes lo cual nos ayudaran hacer las clases mas dinámica y divertida. solo tenemos que explorar cada una y adaptar, a las realidad tenemos y que mas nos den mejores resultados.

Soy un profesor brasileño y también me gusta las seguientes herramientas: Educaplay, Wordwall, Educandy, GoConqr y Educandy.

Saludos desde Brasil. Muy buena información para llegar a los estudiantes con mucho más animo, cuales de esas aplicaciones se pueden trabajar offline? Me gustaría saber quién es el autor de este artículo para hacer referencia APA en un trabajo académico, ¿alguien me lo podría facilitar?

Muy interesante, gracias y saludos!!! Yo soy profe y uso una tableta gráfica XP-Pen Deco 01 V2. Yo la usaría con OneNote directamente. Esto no va mal para escribir se puede compartir la pantalla y escribir con OneNote, Bloc de notas o lo que se quiera. Me parece Interesante pero con este tema del Covid no se puede hacer mucho, El Aula debería ser Entretenido y Motivante, Para El Profesor y Alumnos.

Es muy interesante implementar este tipo de herramientas en el aula todas las ayudas tecnológicas son útiles máxime si se pueden integrar al currículum. Me gustaría conocer alguna aplicación para generar conocimientos de geometría y de que manera puedo obtener más información. Quiero saber qué plataformas me pueden servir para trabajar con niños de preescolar 4 - 5 años.

Me interesaría recibir información sobre plataformas para trabajar la gamificacion en inglés. Muchas gracias. Hangmouse Quizziz la aman Flipgrid graban videos y se comentan con videos Mentimeter.

Hola, a todos me gustaría me ayuden con una herramienta para enseñar ingles divertido a niños, Gracias. Por favor, algún muro interactivo para ingresar información de forma fácil , rápida, amena y en español? Padle me bloqueo y viene en inglés gracias.

Nearpod es muy sencilla y tiene muchas actividades, entre ellas la de muros colaborativos, también está LiveBoard. Interesantes y excelentes herramientas de gamificacion, para motivar a los discentes en los procesos de enseñanza - aprendizaje, de las TICs educativas.

Alguna herramienta que me permita gamificar sin que es estudiante instale app y se tenga que registrar, algo así de práctico y rápido como kahoot? Veo muy importante el tema Gamificación. Existen para aprender mecanografía? Creo que queda claro que los alumnos deben prepararse en este sentido.

Typing club es una plataforma de gamificación para aprender mecanografía y es gratuita. Yo la he usado con mi clase y estaban muy motivados. Estupendas herramientas de gamificación, para aplicarlas con nuestro estudiantes y siempre tener su atención e interés.

Con el uso de estas herramientas lograremos desarrollar la creatividad, razonamiento y pensamiento critico de nuestros estudiantes. hola, me parece muy interesante pero cómo y con cuál hacerlo con niños de 1° de Educación Primaria y en el proceso lectoescritor?

Me parecen muy similares. Hola, estoy investigando diferencias entre estos dos conceptos. Sin embargo, asimilo lo que dijiste como básicamente lo mismo.

Me podrías aclararlo con ejemplo? Muchísimas gracias y también por el contenido. No es lo mismo incluir juegos a tu proceso de enseñanza que basar tu proceso exclusivamente en juegos. Además, aquí hay un juego de palabras: game juego en inglés tiene una connotación a los video juegos o herramientas de juego digitales.

Un saludo desde República Dominicana. La gamificación es un paso imprescindible para la educación actual; el aula debe ser un espacio de juego y descubrimiento porque es así como mejor aprendemos. Es muy motivador para el alumnado y para el profesorado.

Es increíble la cantidad de variantes que existen para una educación más lúdica y divertida. Es una forma genial de aprender y mantener al alumno en constante conexión en el aula. Para mi es el presente y futuro de la enseñanza. Creo que la Gamificación es eficaz herramienta didáctica para motivar a los alumnos en la tarea del aprendizaje.

Creo que aprovechan la gran afición de los niños a los vídeos juegos para realizar tareas en clases y tener todo el mundo conectado.

Lo que también me ha parecido interesante con esta herramienta es que pueden hacer participe a los padres en el proceso de aprendizaje. En definitiva , una herramienta Didáctica acorde con el tiempo que estamos. Después de leer el artículo creo que uno de los grandes beneficios de la gamificación es favorecer la motivación en el aprendizaje, de manera que el alumnado aprenda jugando, además de ofrecer la opción de aprender de manera tanto individual como colectiva.

Creo que es un buen recurso que debe de explotarse más en las aulas. Entiendo que todos los recursos que tengamos para facilitar un mejor aprendizaje a nuestros alumnos es un paso más en la evolución de la docencia para la formación.

Me ha encantado , la Cerebriti , ademas de ser desarrollad por gente de España , es muy intuitiva y con muchos ejemplos y juegos. Estoy intentando realizar uno y , espero y deseo conseguirlo. Ya os contare. Personalmente me parece una idea genial siempre que se utilice dentro del aula y no fuera.

Considero que cualquier contenido, sea el que sea, se asimila siempre mucho mejor interiorizándolo de manera amena y divertida, y para eso la gamificación me parece una gran herramienta, pero solamente dentro del aula, ya que sacarla fuera del aula puede llevar a distracciones y pérdida de tiempo por parte del alumnado.

Desconocía este término hasta hoy. Pienso que es muy enriquecedor en la docencia emplear todos los recursos disponibles. Y cada vez tenemos más accesible recursos novedosos. Y sobre todo cuando estos recursos no lo hemos visto nunca.

Es una forma de aprender todos, los formadores estudiando, creando el contenido y los alumnos aprovechando dicho trabajo realizado por el formado, para aprender de una manera diferente.

Algo que me gusta mucho, es que siempre se aprende algo nuevo Es increible la variedad de aplicaciones de gamificación que existen. Pienso que es un recurso muy interesante para la enseñanza debe ser divertida a la vez que formativa.

Será requisito indispensable para la educación que viene. Buen apunte. Encuentro el concepto escrito en inglés en todos los sitios pero en ninguno se aventuran a traducirlo.

Gracias de antemano. Impresionante la variedad de herramientas de gamificación que existen. Es un recurso muy recomendable, al que me adhiero desde mi posición de preparador de oposiciones, pues creo que la enseñanza debe ser divertida a la vez que formativa.

Sin duda alguna, este será uno de los puntales de la educación que viene. It's a shame you don't have a donate button!

I'd without a doubt donate to this excellent blog! I suppose for now i'll settle for bookmarking and adding your RSS feed to my Google account. I look forward to fresh updates and will share this blog with my Facebook group.

Talk soon! You can also subscribe to our weekly newsletter for free. creo que me quedaría con minecraft mas que suena y piensas en el juego al escuchar el nombre y llama mucho la atención. Buenas tardes. He mirado información sobre "Gamificacion" y la verdad el tema es interesante, incluso ahora estoy realizando mi trabajo de grado enfocado en plataformas de gamificacion y quisiera saber si ustedes tienen conocimiento de plataformas gamificadas que se hayan aplicado exitosamente en un entorno educativo universitario.

Me seria de mucha ayuda cualquier información. Hola Chris, me interesa el mismo tema, me puedes recomendar algunas plataformas para trabajar gamificación en matematicas? Yo añadiría también Triventy como otra herramienta similar a Kahoot y que posibilita al alumnado leer la cuestión en su dispositivo móvil ofreciendo más datos e información.

Yo que utilizo ambas me gusta más triventy. Tengo un tutorial en una entrada de mi blog de cómo utilizarla: josanprimariaef. com Enhorabuena por el artículo y gracias por compartirlo. Me quedo con trivinet. com antes que con kahoot, tiene muchas más posibilidades y su creador te hace lo que necesites para el aula.

Yo recomiendo Toovari, tiene lo mejor de Kahoot, pero permite seguir trabajando en casa e implica a las familias, algo clave! Muchas Gracias estas herramientas son un gran aporte para los docentes que queremos ajustar nuestros procesos de aprendizaje a la innovación y la vinculación de las nuevas tecnologías al aula de clase.

Skip to content. EDUCACIÓN 3. Índice de contenidos 1 AhaSlides 2 Poll Everywhere 3 Plickers 4 Socrative 5 Super Teachers Tools 6 ELEVER 7 MyClassGame 8 iCuadernos 9 Ta-tum 10 Ciencia divertido Quiz Juego 11 Brainscape 12 knowre; gamificación 13 Cerebriti 14 Minecraft: Education Edition 15 Pear Deck; gamificación 16 Kahoot!

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Obtenga acceso a un catálogo global curado Tarjeta de visitante la Gaminb de trabajo Líneq SaaS con suscripciones a la carta y experiencias Interactiva a cada tipo de personalidad. Such collaborations Recompensas Interactivas Gaming en Línea deepen the brand's connection with the gaming community and create additional revenue streams. Cree juegos de marca, concursos y sorteos y recopile clientes potenciales de forma eficaz. This report compares two audience segments within our research: Males with children under the age of 18, i. Working with esteemed developers provides access to a highly engaged audience, increasing the likelihood of ad campaigns resonating with players. Check out G2 reviews Don't take our word for it. hola, me parece muy interesante Conceptos de juegos populares. Características principales: Cuestionarios gamificados, kahoots en vivo, kahoots asíncronos, múltiples plantillas de juegos. When launching a new product, and educating audiences is the goal, a more involved, tactile interactive or playable ad is best suited. Motor de promociones, recompensas instantáneas in-app, puntos de recompensa y mucho más. Algunas muestras. El contenido interactivo incluye juegos, cuestionarios, presentaciones de diapositivas, imágenes interactivas, líneas de tiempo, y muchos más. Pruébelo gratis Proveen una interacción creativa con el consumidor. · Facilitan la logística y la premiación instantánea. · Registros de participación y de entrega de premios Hazte Premium para obtener OC Cash más rápido, recibir recompensas mensuales, participar en sorteos exclusivos, e incluso participar en las nuevas Liga OC Ligas Proveen una interacción creativa con el consumidor. · Facilitan la logística y la premiación instantánea. · Registros de participación y de entrega de premios Hazte Premium para obtener OC Cash más rápido, recibir recompensas mensuales, participar en sorteos exclusivos, e incluso participar en las nuevas Liga OC Ligas El contenido interactivo incluye juegos, cuestionarios, presentaciones de diapositivas, imágenes interactivas, líneas de tiempo, y muchos más. Pruébelo gratis Recompensas Interactivas Gaming en Línea
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